°o. Christmas Special #2 .o°

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After Winter Soldier but Before Civil War Bucky Barnes ~ Marvel Cinematic Universe

You two try to make your second Christmas together enjoyable even in the circumstances you two are in.

You were a Hydra agent during the time of TWS but there was a weird connection between you and the soldier. Pierce noticed that so he used you as leverage and to calm him down. But when SHIELD and Hydra went down along with The Winter Soldier running off, you were left in New York. Well, until he found you and you both decided to go off the grid together.

Warning: Major (probably some unnecessary) fluff, poverty(?)

AN: I COULDN'T NOT WRITE THIS. Btw this is going to be a mini-series cuz... I want it to be.


Christmas (2015)
Bucharest, Romania

You wake up to a biting cold. Your nose and cheeks are rosy red, your feet feel frozen, and the thin holey blanket isn't providing much heat. The only real heat production you have is from two heaters: the heater near the 'bed' and your ex-assassin boyfriend. 

The sad thing is your boyfriend is providing more heat than the actual friggin heater.

"Doll, you're shaking." Bucky points out as he feels you scoot close to his side.

"It's what the body does to maintain homeostasis." You counter, hiding your face in his shoulder. "Which is really hard to do." You mumble.

"I know." He sighs and turns on his side so he's facing you. He then puts an arm around your lower back to push your body closer to his till there is no space between you two.

"Better?" He questions, placing a kiss on your forehead.

You nod against his chest. "One little adjustment, though." You convey.

You hear Bucky chuckle a bit as you pull him down so he's covering almost all your body like a blanket. You let out a content sigh and close your eyes as you feel the warmth that naturally radiates off him transfer through your pajamas and onto your skin.

"I'm guessing you're warm now?" He smiles at you, you nod.


"As much as I love this," Bucky starts and you let out a cry, knowing what's coming. "and I do a lot," He assures. "but we need to start heading out if we're going to go to that market you were talking about."

"No, no, no." You lock your hands together behind his back and wrap your legs around his waist as he stands up, effectively taking you with him. "You're too warm." Your voice is muffled slightly by his neck.

"I can already tell what kind of day today's going to be." He laughs while carrying you over to the couch in front of the little kitchen island and dropping you down on it. You give him a childish pout once your butt touches the cushions. He sticks his tongue at you in return.

A tight-lipped smile forms on your face as your eyes follow Bucky walking to the fridge.

"What do you want for breakfast?" He asks, sticking his head in the fridge.

"What do we have?" You turn around so you're kneeling backward on the couch, elbows on the kitchen island.

"Uh..." He sighs and runs a hand through his long hair. "Not much." He admits. "Three eggs, some milk, old plums, water, few pieces of ham,--" He closes the fridge then looks in the cabinets. "--some rice, and hashbrowns." He informs, turning around to look at you.

"Hmmm..." You take a moment to think. "we can make eggs and hashbrowns?" You suggest, he nods as you stand up and start to help him.

Flea Market

"Hey, Buck." You set a hand on his arm as he looks at some clothes on the vendor's table.

"Yeah, doll?" He turns to you.

"I'm going to go look at the blankets over there." You point to the stand a little ways away.

"Alright." He nods and pecks your lips. "I'll find you when I'm done here." He informs, you nod and go to walk away. "Wait, wait, wait," He pulls you back.


"One more kiss." He answers causing a smile to spread across your lips.

"I guess." You let out an exaggerated sigh and press a long kiss to your boyfriend's lips. After a little while, you pull back and head to where you pointed earlier.

Once he sees that you're out of view he pulls the ring out from under the scarf on the table.

"Scuze" Bucky apologizes to the vendor he was talking to. "Deci, cât de mult ar fi aceasta?" He asks. (Sorry; So, how much would this be?)

The elderly woman looks over the ex-assassin before her eyes meet his again.

"Ia-l." She says. (Take it.)

"Nu Nu. Nu am putut." He goes to hand her the ring back but she pushes it away. (No, no. I couldn't.)

"Ia-l, insist." (Take it, I insist.)

"Nu am put--" (I coul--)

"Fiule," The woman puts on her 'mom' voice, Bucky looks her in the eyes. "Am văzut cum te uiți la aici. Este modul în care fiul meu se uită la soția lui, este modul în care soțul meu sa uitat la mine. Este iubire ... iubire adevărată." She solemly says. "Luați inelul și dă-i. Este cadoul meu de Crăciun pentru tine ... She places the ring in the palm on his hand and folds his fingers over it. "la-l." (Son; I see the way you look at her. It's the way my son looks at his wife, it's the way my husband looked at me. It's love ... true love; Take the ring and give it to her.; It's my Christmas present to you ...; Take it.)

"Mulțumesc." Bucky tells the woman, tears forming in his eyes. "Vă mulțumesc, vă mulțumesc foarte mult. Nu ai nici o idee." He reaches over the table and brings her in for a hug. (Thank you; Thank you so much. You have no idea.)

"Nici o problemă, nici o problema." She pats his back with a slight chuckle. "Au o mare de Crăciun." She pulls away from the hug. (No problem, no problem; Have a great Christmas.)

"Şi tu." He plants a kiss on the lady's hand then walks away, a huge smile on his face. (You too.)

Sebastian Stan Imagines #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now