°o. Easter Special Ft. The Hemsworths .o°

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Sebastian Stan ~ The Wonderful Land Of Romania

Feat. Hemsworth family (Not including Leonie and Craig; also pretend Chris didn't move back to Australia.)

Your brother invited you over for a week including Easter Day.

Warning: No Mama Stan featured, sorry. Long. Chris' kids are a few years older than they really are. Also a joke about a stereotypical (I guess) gay guy (aka I just wanted to bring up TJ.)

Based off: Christmas Special

There will be a part two...

(Y/C/N)= Your childhood nickname


Tuesday Before Easter

"(Y/N)!!" You hear Sebastian call from the living room.

"What?" You yell back from you and Seb's room.

"Your brother is on the phone."

"Which one?" You ask in a normal voice as you walk down the hallway towards the living room.

"Chris." He hands you the phone.

"Hello, Chrissy." You greet.

"Hello, (Y/C/N)." Chris greets back.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"I was wondering if you were coming over for Easter this year." He answers.

"Probably, I'll have to talk to Sebastian, though." You say making Seb's attention turn to you at the mention of his name.

"Talk to me about what?" He questions.

"You want to go to Chris' for Easter?"

"Sure." He shrugs.

"We'll be there." You say into the phone.

"Great." You can hear the smile in his voice which makes you smile. "Liam and Luke are coming the Thursday before and staying for a week. So, if you want to do that too, you can."

"We'll probably do that. I haven't seen Liam or Luke in a while." You agree.

"See you then." He replies.

"Yeah, love you."

"Love you too." He hangs up the phone.

"So!" You put the house phone back on its charger thing. "We are spending a week at my brother's and we need to write a note for Beck saying that he will not be at school on Thursday then."

"If you write it real quick I can drop it off at the office when I pick him up-" He looks at his phone's clock. "-right now." He offers, sliding his phone back into his pocket.

"I'll just drop it off tomorrow when I drop him off at school." You wave it off while walking towards him and wrapping your arms around his waist.

"Or I can take it now." He insists, resting his hands on your hips.

"You just don't like Mr. (Johnson/Smith)." You look up at him.

"A guy shouldn't be a receptionist at an elementary school." He argues. "Unless he's desperate for single moms or gay."

"You shouldn't be talking, TJ." You smirk making him roll his eyes. "Plus he isn't gay."

"How do you know he isn't gay?"

"Because he asked me out before Christmas break."

"What?!" Sebastian exclaims. "Did you say yes?" You give him a really look. "Yeah, I realized that was a stupid question when I said it." He admits.

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