°o. SDCC ~ Sebastian Stan .o°

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Sebastian Stan ~ The Wonderful Land Of Romania

Requested by: win-ter-sol-dier

Feat. Elizabeth Olson

The reader and Seb are at the San Diego Comic Con for a few panels for Marvel.

Base off: Jimmy Fallon Imagine

(Y/F/F)= Your favorite fandom
(F/M/F)= Favorite Marvel Female


"Welcome Elizabeth Olson and (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!!!" The moderator introduces and the crowd cheers.

You and Elizabeth walk out onto the stage, waving at everyone.

You sit down after shaking the moderator's hand and greeting him.

"Glad you guys could be here." He smiles as the crowd settles down and the two of you have your mics.

"Me too." You and Elizabeth smile back.

"How's your guys' comic con been?" He asks.

"Amazing." Liz answers. "The cosplay is amazing. We were walking around before we had to be down here and I saw some pretty good Iron Mans and Captain Americas."

"Plus I saw some awesome Winter Soldier and Scarlet Witch costumes too." You agree. "Along with a bunch of Batmans and Supermans."

"What is your favorite part about it so far? Besides the cosplay, of course."

"My favorite part is the people." Liz answers. "The people are so nice here and they are really sweet."

"Mine is the merch." You honestly answer. "I spent, like, a hundred dollars worth of (Y/F/F) t-shirts."


"Now it's time for some questions from the fans." The moderator turns his body in his chair so he's facing the line of fans behind the microphones that are set up. "We'll start on the left."

"Hi, I was wondering what is your favorite part of your character is?" The woman asks.

"My favorite part of my character is her attitude." You say into the mic. "When they came back to me with the script for The Avengers they said they wanted me to give Dorothy more of a... strict and disciplined but sarcastic and easy going attitude because of that's how she was in the comics." You explain.

"And what I love about Wanda is is how strong she is after the whole Pietro thing." Liz replies. "Wanda and Pietro were really connected, along with Pietro being her brother, he was her best friend. And when he died a little part of her died with him. So, it's good to see her with Cap and the team trying to get her mind off the death and help him find his best friend."


"If you were to be anyone else in the Marvel Universe, who would you be?"

"I would be Sue Storm." Liz answers.

"Which Sue Storm?" You counter.

"Jessica Alba Sue Storm." She clarifies. "Who would you be?"

"Uh...." You tap your fingers on the arm of your chair. "(F/M/F), simply because they're fricking awesome."


"Did you guys ever prank each other on set?"

You and Liz start laughing.

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