°o. I'm Not! ~ Bucky Barnes .o°

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Post-Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes ~ Marvel Cinematic Universe

Natasha thinks your pregnant when you know you can't be.

Warnings: Talks about not being able to have children, swearing, IT HAS A HAPPY ENDING BTW, I don't like sad endings because I need love

(Y/F/C)= Your favorite cereal



"Glad to see you're finally up." Natasha comments as you walk into the kitchen.

"Sure." You shake your head and rub your eyes while making your way to the cabinet where all the cereal is stocked. Natasha watches you as you pull out the box of (Y/F/C) and just shove your hand in it, eating it dry.

"How hungover are you?" She chuckles.


"Hungover enough to not come train this morning." Steve announces in a bitter tone as he enters the room, empty water bottle in hand.

"I didn't drink last night!" You defend, sitting on top of the counter. "Remember, Bucky and I left early 'cause he didn't feel comfortable with all the people."

"Then why weren't you at training earlier?" He demands. "You haven't been consistent with the schedule for at least a good month."

"I'm sorry." You sigh. "I've thrown up four out of seven days of the last few weeks. I just don't feel motivated to do a lot." You explain, pushing a fallen strand of hair from your extremely loose ponytail behind your ear.

"I understand that, but tell me prior so I can reschedule." He informs, you nod. "You're an Avenger, you need to be in the best shape in case of an unexpected mission." He scolds with his 'Captain' voice, his hands on his hips.

"I will, I will." You nod again. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience that I have caused you, Stevie... I will do your laundry for the next month because of it."

"You don't have to do that." He shakes his head at you. "All I need you to do is come to training and go on the next mission with me."

"Done and done." You nod, popping a handful of cereal into your mouth. Steve just smiles at you and walks a few steps to the fridge, poking his head inside.

"Hey, (Y/N)." Natasha calls from her spot at the breakfast bar.

"Hmm?" You hum.

"When did you and Bucky last have sex?" She questions causing Steve to hit his head on the lip of the fridge.

"A few days ago." You shrug, ignoring the obviously flustered and uncomfortable soldier hiding behind the fridge door."Why you ask?"

"Maybe," She takes a bite of her pasta, "your throwing up could be a sign that you are," She swallows. "possibly pregnant." Your head shoots up along with Steve's.

"What!?" Steve exclaims, (lightly) slamming the fridge door and throwing the Tupperware container of his leftovers on the nearest surface. "You're pregnant?!" He marches up to you on the counter.

"No!" You hold up a hand. "I swear I'm not!"

"Are you sure?" He demands, hands on hips again.

"110%, Steve." You promise. "I am not pregnant, it's probably just a bug."

"Okay." He bites his lower lip and places his hands on either side of your knees. "If you're not pregnant," He starts off in his serious but not so Captain voice. "are you on your period then?"

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