°o. OMG SEBASTIAN STAN ~ TJ Hammond .o°

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TJ Hammond ~ Political Animals

Requested by: Xx_FallOutGirls_xX (Little different than your request, sorry)

You and your brother are completely obsessed with the actor Sebastian Stan and have major crushes on him.

Warning: Some mistakes... didn't proof read


"Thank you." Your brother, TJ, says to the cashier as he gives him the coffees. "Here." He turns around and hands you your cup, well at least tries to when he drops it.

"Teej, what the hell?" You scold, coffee spilled all over the floor and on your shoes.

"I think I just saw Sebastian Stan." He stares behind you. Your eyes widen and you turn around but do not see a beautiful Romanian standing there.

"You ass." You turn back around and smack him on the shoulder. "You got my hopes up and got coffee on my new shoes.

"Sorry, I seriously thought he was there."

Few Days Later
Your Apartment

"What the hell do you want?" You answer the phone that just woke you from your valued sleep.

"I want you to get your lazy ass out of bed and to my club right now." TJ demands.

"Whyyyyyyyyy?" You whine and roll onto your back.

"Because the cast of fucking Captain America: Civil War is in my VIP lounge." He confesses, you sit up.

"Be there in 30." You throw your covers off and scramble to your closet.

TJ's Club

"Before you say anything," You hold a hand up to silence TJ's fangirling. "I need some coffee, you woke me up from a beautiful sleep."

"Fine." He leads you to the bar, you take a seat on one of the stools while he goes behind it.

"So, when did they arrive here?" You ask as he brews up some coffee.

"An hour or so ago." He quickly answers. "I got to go fix my hair, brrbbbbb." He heads off to the back room. "You can come behind the bar, by the way." He yells back. You take his word and jump over the bar, a couple bartenders look at you but then brush it off recognizing it's just TJ's sister.


"Bartender." A deep male voice call. "Bartender." He calls again. You look over at the bartenders to see that they're busy so you step up.

"What can I get ya?" You ask the short blonde haired man as you set down your coffee on the bar counter.

"A boilermaker." He requests with a drunken slur, sliding a ten dollar bill your way as you reach under the bar for a beer mug and a shot glass. "And maybe your number, sweetie pop." 

"I can get you that drink, not the number." You say as you fill the mug with beer.

"Come on." He insists. "What harm can giving your number away do?" You snort and slide over his drink. But when you go to pull your hand back the guy catches it. "If you're not going to give me your goddamn number, come out here and dance with me."

"I don't want to dance with you, why can't you understand that I'm not--oww." You groan in pain as his grip tightens on your wrist when he pulls you forward.

"It wasn't a question." He growls, your eyes widen in fear but he doesn't seem to care.

"Hey." A strong but soft voice (also familiar but you can't place it) intervenes. "If the lady doesn't want to dance, she doesn't want to dance."

"Mind your own business, bub." The blonde demands, you keep you head down, avoiding any eye contact.

"I'm not going to mind my own business when a nice lady like her is getting treated like an object."

"Then do something 'bout it." He retorts, slamming your hand onto the bar a little too hard, you wince slightly. The man who was defending you just shakes his head and chuckles.

"I don't want to fight you." He says. "I just came here to have a fun night with my friends."

"If you didn't want to fight me you would've kept your mouth shut." He points out. "Now, get off your ass and fight me."

"Well, first of all, I'm not sitting down." The man informs as he stands up straight, no longer leaning against the bar. "And second of all, I'm not going to fight you." He puts his hands up for emphasis.

You go to sneak away but the blonde yells at you.

"You stay there." He points to you, you look over at the other man and hold in your fangirling when you recognize that it's SEBASTIAN FUCKING STAN... but you're kind of in a pickle here. "Come at me, bro!" The blonde shouts Sebastian.

"I'm not going to come at yo--" Sebastian gets cut off by the guy punching him in the face. He's a bit shocked as he wipes the little bit of blood off his nose. He goes to swing at him again but this time' Sebastian catches the punch and maneuvers so that the guy's arm is bent behind his back.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" TJ's voice shouts over the music, looking at the scene in front of him. He ignores that one of the guys fighting is Sebastian Stan because he has to be professional. "Let go of him, Mr. Stan." He commands, jumping over the bar counter to break up the fight.

Sebastian reluctantly releases his grip on the blonde. TJ makes sure he's in between them before saying anything else.

"What's going on here?" He questions.

"I was trying to flirt with this lovely bartender here when he started a fight." The blonde guy lies, Sebastian lets out a puff of air while rolling his eyes.


"He was trying to get her to dance with him but she didn't want to. Then he made some sort of threat when she refused to so I stepped in and told him to leave her alone." He explains his story, the real one. "Then he started a fight because I was standing up for her."

"(Y/N)?" Teej turns to you for confirmation.

"Seb's right." You answer.

"You, banned from my club." TJ turns to the blonde man and gets up close to him. "That is my sister you're trying to sexually assault. You're just lucky I'm not letting Sebastian fucking Stan kick your sorry ass." 

"Whatever." He rolls his eyes and gets escorted by the security, that now happen to show up, out of the club.

"And you, Sebastian Stan," He points a finger at him. "I fucking love you even more than I did before. I'm a huge fan and it was so hard not to just fangirl. But thank you for saving my sister. Next round for you and your friends are on the house... if I can get a selfie."

"Of course." Seb laughs.

"Yes!" He cheers, quickly taking a picture with him.

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