°o. Blurb #12 .o°

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Background Info:
You have an almost two-year-old son named James (named after your brother that died). You and many others like to call him Jamie. His father is not in the picture because he got scared and ran off. You've been good with parenting, the show you're on and the movies you've worked on during those two years have been very good.

Plus, you've been calming down with acting because family is your top priority. Since the MCU's Phase 3 of films kicked off, you've been a bit busier with that so you've been spending a lot of time with the Marvel fam. The cast has fallen in love with Jamie and vice versa.

But the 'soldier trio', as you like to call them, that includes Chris Evans, Anthony Mackie, and Sebastian Stan, are head over heels for James. Reasons are: Chris just loves children, Mackie has children of his own, and Sebastian just has a soft spot for the kid... and you.



"... it's going to be interesting to see where they take the Marvel universe after Infinity Wars." Anthony admits, answering a fan's question. "Especially with who is going to end up being Captain America, if someone is taking the shield." He smirks, the crowd cheers.

"Hey, hey, hey." Sebastian holds a hand up, quieting the audience. "Don't get too excited, we don't even know what's happening."

"You never know what's happening." You jab.

"Well, I'll have you know--" Sebastian's probably 'witty' comeback gets interrupted by your assistant running onto the stage and squatting next to the couch.

She rapidly whispers something to you but all that you can make out is: 'Nanny had to leave, I don't know what I'm doing, please take him'.

"Uh, I'll be right back." You mumble into the mic then stand up. But when you go to follow her off stage, someone stops you.

"Is everything alright?" Seb questions, grabbing your hand. You send him a short nod before he lets you go. His gaze lingers as you disappear behind the curtain, contemplating on whether or not to go after you.

"Next question!" Anthony announces, pointing to the left mic in the crowd.


"...I think Red Wing should get a spin off movie." Anthony whole heartedly confesses. "It'd be great. It'd be in the point of view of said drone, Black Widow would be the love interest--"

"--Obviously." Seb nods.

"--he'd kicked the Winter Soldier's ass--"

"--The fuck, he will." Said soldier scoffs.

"Hey, watch your language." You scold, walking back onto stage. "Little ears in the room." You cover James' ear and press his head against your shoulder.

You make your way back to the spot on the couch you were occupying a few minutes ago. Taking a seat, James lets out a little absentminded giggle causing the crowd to aw.

"I hope this isn't a problem having him here." You direct your attention to the panel moderator sitting a few feet away from you. "Alex, my nanny, had to leave because of a family problem and my assistant panics when she is responsible for a child." You explain, sending him an apologetic smile.

"It's completely fine, I understand." He mirrors your smile.

"Thanks." You let out a breath of relief. "So, what did I miss?" You pick up your mic from between the cushions.

"We're talking about how ScarJo is going to be Red Wing's love interest in his spin off." Anthony informs, you let out a scoff and roll your eyes.

"That's not going to happen." You shake your head.

"And why not?"

"Because she's going to be too busy playing my love interest."


"My favorite moment during Infinity Wars filming, so far, is..." You sort through some fond memories but one just sticks out causing you to chuckle. "Mackie put laxatives in what he thought was Tom Holland's drink when it was actually Tom Hiddleston's."

"Okay, to be fair I knew it was a 50/50 chance with that and I just hoped for the best." He defends himself.

"Well, technically, there was no chance because all of Holland's Starbucks cups say Harrison on them." You point out, Anthony just shrugs.

"Har Har." Jamie mumbles, recalling the name Harrison.

"Yes, Har Har Osterfield." Mackie smiles at the (Y/H/C) boy. "The little shit's best friend."

"Anthony--" Seb scolds.

"Bad word." The kid pouts his lip and points a little finger at the grown man. Said man just sticks his tongue out in which James mirrors.


Sebastian's focus drifts off as Anthony and you drone on about something totally unrelated to the question the fan asked. His attention is now on the little kid sitting between him and his best friend.

A small smile graces his lips as he watches James play with the stuffed dog toy he got him for his first birthday. He then realizes how long ago that actually was and a sense of 'wow I'm old' comes over him.

James must have felt the gaze because he turned toward the Romanian. Seb's heart melts at the way James' eyes light up at the sight of him.

"Sebba." He coos in a small voice.

"Jamie." He whispers back, careful not to disturb others.

That plan goes out the window as James climbs into Seb's lap. He then proceeds to make grabby hands at him. The brunette gets the hint and picks him up so he's standing on his lap. James lets out a joyous giggle confirming how bad his plan is going.

"Having fun?" You question, an amused smile on your face. Sebastian chuckles as James jumps up and down slightly. He nods while the audience laughs and aw's at the interaction.

"Loads." He says, pressing a kiss to the kid's forehead. James lets out a loud gurgle and squeezes Seb's nose. He leans in presses his lips to his stubbly cheek. The older man's face scrunches up as the (Y/H/C) blows a raspberry on him.

You let out a noise that can only be described as an 'awed breath'.

"My insides are melting from how adorable that was." You breathe causing the audience to laugh. "I love my two boys." You whisper after you set your mic down but Sebastian could still hear it. He just smirks and sends you a wink while James hangs onto his neck.

Sebastian Stan Imagines #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now