°o. Drunken Explanations ~ Bucky Barnes .o°

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Post-Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes - Marvel Cinematic Universe
**Part 2 to Drunken Confessions**

You're in an abusive relationship with a guy but you keep it a secret because you think it's you're fault. Until one night you are at the tower after one of Tony's parties where Thor let you drink some of the less strong Asgardian alcohol, but for you it is still strong.

Warning: Mentioning of abuse. Swearing.

And damn, a lot of you guys wanted a part 2.


"Why'd everyone go?" You question looking around at the empty room. "Was the party too lame?"

"No." Tony shakes his head while all the Avengers sit down on the couch.

"So why did everyone leave?" You ask again.

"What did you mean by (Jace/Chase) punishing you?" Clint doesn't answer but you don't seem to notice because of your drunken state.

"You know those bruises I try to hide?"

"No." Natasha says when nobody does. "No, we do not."

You stand up while flipping off your flats. "Welll." You stumble out of your stockings and plop back down on the couch next to Bucky. "I have many." You start pointing to the bruises, explain what they are from.

"That is from when I got home late from training... That one is from when he came home drunk and just was in a pissy mood. That's from when I tried to playfully tease him but he took it the wrong way... That one is from when I tried to push him away when he-"

"What's that one from?" Bucky cuts you off while pointing to a newly purple bruise.

"A few days ago when I came home late from lunch with you." You explain. "I also have some on my shoulders from that. Plus the new ones from earlier today.

He just sighs and runs his hands over his face.

"I'm going to kill that son of a bitch the next time I see him." Natasha growls, clutching her fists.

"No, no, don't!" You pled. "I mean, it's my fault for doing all those things, he's just trying to show me where my place is."

"No, it's not!" Bucky's head snaps up at you. "It's not your fault, (Y/N)."

"But it is!" You shout. "I'm not supposed to be loving someone while I'm with someone else, (Jace/Chase) is just putting me in place. I'm not supposed to be running around trying to save the world, that's a man's job." You say not realizing how stupid you sound.

"I should be home, waiting for my man to return from work with dinner ready. I should be wanting to kiss my boyfriend, not wanting to be barf up my entire meal that I ate la--"

"No, it's not!" He yells, trying to control the anger building up from how (Jace/Chase) brainwashed you into thinking this was your fault, that this is what you deserved.

"(Y/N), it's not your fault..." He turns his body towards you. "You should be running around trying to save the world. You shouldn't be home, waiting for your man to return from work with dinner ready." He grabs your hands in his.

"And you're right, you shouldn't be in love with someone else when you're dating someone. You should be with that person you love, not staying with someone because they are making you. That person should make you want to kiss him and not wanting to make you barf when you do, (Y/N)." Bucky looks you in the eyes as you take in the information.

"It's not your fault." Thor adds. "No lady should be treated like this. Not in any of the nine realms."

"Then who's fault is it?" You ask like a confused child.

"It's (Jace/Chase)'s fault." Steve says. "Like Thor said, no lady should be treated like this. Not even back in my day where women were barely allowed to get a job would get beaten like this."

"But how is it his fault?"

"Because he should've let you break up with him three months ago when you wanted to!" Bucky says getting your attention focused back on him. "He shouldn't have start beating you when you just wanted to do the stuff you wanted to do... Hell, once he realized that he hit you, he could have stopped."

"Why didn't he?" You ask as your lip starts to quivering, realizing that this all wasn't your fault; It was his. "Why wouldn't he stop hitting me when I asked him to stop all those times?" Tears flow down your cheeks and you try to wipe them but Bucky beats you to it.

Some of the Avengers look around at each other wondering the same thing.

"Why?" You whisper. and fall into Bucky's arms for comfort.

"I don't know, (Y/N)." Bucky whispers as he wraps his arms around you tightly, leaving a kiss on your hair.

"But he sure as hell won't do it again." Clint stands up.

"I'll make him live his worst nightmares before he tries to lay a hand on you." Wanda threatens too.

"He will never see what's coming to him when I get a hand on him." Pietro adds.

"Well, I would threaten to go Hulk on him, but since that will only end up hurting more people than just him." Bruce speaks up. "I'll do my part and offer you my doctor expertise, if you want me to make sure you don't have any fractured bones or anything."

You shake your head as you remove it from Bucky's shoulder.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Tony asks after a bit of silence.

"Can I stay here for the night?" You ask, wiping the tears off your face.

"Yeah, there is an extra ro--"

"I mean..." You wring your hands together nervously. "Can I stay with someone?"

"I don't mind if you stayed with me." Natasha nods.

"I mean..." You repeat. "Can I stay with Bucky? I feel safer around him." You mumble, looking at him through the corner of your eye.

"Of course." He nods.


There will be a part 3... Sorry?

Also, almost to 1k votes with 18k views for this... kind of hyperventilating. I love you guys.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go to soccer!


~Zoe aka Meowlnir

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