°o. Cell ~ Bucky Barnes .o°

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Civil War Bucky Barnes ~ Marvel Cinematic Universe

*Part Three to Christmas Special #2*

You and Bucky are on the run together and shit hits the fan when the UN gets bombed.

You were a Hydra agent during the time of TWS but there was a weird connection between you and the soldier. Pierce noticed that so he used you as leverage and to calm him down. But when SHIELD and Hydra went down along with The Winter Soldier running off, you were left in New York. Well, until Bucky found you and you both decided to go off the grid together.

Warning: Civil War

AN: Next part for this is when stuff kind of gets hyped back up... maybe... probably... hopefully.


You let out a groan as you finally come to. There's pounding in your head and your whole body feels like it's one big bruise.

"Sleeping beauty finally awakens." A sarcastic voice greets you as you open your eyes.

You just ignore the comment and look around. You recognize the familiar set up as a van that transports criminals. The metal fence-like things blocking off different sections of the seats.

"Where are we?" You question, the windows showing a very different scenery than you last remembering being conscious.

"Berlin." A familiar voice answers, your head snaps that way. You make eye contact with Captain America, well, Steve Rogers since he doesn't have the helmet on.

"I was out for that long?" You scoff to yourself, looking back out the window.

"Yeah, what happened to you?" The same guy who made the sleeping beauty comment asks. "You were already knocked out when they shoved us into the car."

"Some douche blasted me into a car." You give him a rushed answer. "Where's Bucky?" You question, noticing how Cap is in here and your boyfriend is not. "Did they--"

"Don't worry, he's a few cars in front of us." Steve answers.

"You should worry." The other dark skinned gentlemen adds. You just glare daggers into the back of his head while you feel the car go down a slight hill. You look out the window and realize it's some sort of driveway.


You let out a long sigh as someone opens the door to the van. The boys start getting out and that's when you realize you're the only one cuffed. You step out of the vehicle and take a glance around the compound.

You see a big containment cell being lifted out of the armored van that was a few cars in front of you. You put the two together as they set the cell down on the floor and see Bucky emotionlessly in there. You take a step to go toward him but someone catches your arm.

"Calm down, Aurora." He commands, you roll his eyes at the nickname. "The last thing you want to do right now is run off to him with your hands literally tied and a bunch of armed officers keeping a watchful eye on it." He advises, you sigh knowing he's right.

"What's going to happen to him?" Steve questions as he leads the three of you toward two authoritatively looking people with guards behind them.

"Same thing that ought to happen to you." The man in the grey suit and blue tie responds. "Psychological evaluation and extradition."

"He didn't do anything." You defend, already hating whoever this man is.

"That's not what his wrap sheet says, honey." He responds, a small smile on his face.

"This is Evertt Ross, Deputy Task Force Commander." The blonde woman next to him introduces.

"What about a lawyer?" Steve asks, knowing his rights.

"Lawyer." He wears an amused smile. "That's funny."

You open your mouth to say something but the nickname guy gives you a look.

"See their weapons are placed in lockup." Ross tells the lady. "Oh, we'll write you a receipt."

The four of you watch as some guards take the infamous shield, wings, and a few other things to where they will lock them up.

"I better not look out the window and see anybody flying around in that." Falcon, you assume since you put the wings and him together, calls to the guard carrying his suit while following after them.

You take one glance back at Bucky before a guard pushes you towards a different direction than the boys are going. You look over to Steve and he shrugs but sends you a look of sympathy since that is really all he can offer in the situation right now.

Interrogation Room

"Hello." The blonde from earlier enters the room. "(Y/N)? Is that your name?" She questions, a folder in hand as she walks towards the table you're cuffed to. You just ignore her and keep your eyes on the wall.

"What is your relation to the Winter Soldier?" She tries, you let out a breath through your nose and shake your head. "What is your relation to Bucky Barnes?" She rephrases. "Alright." She sighs, figuring out how the whole conversation is going to go already.

"You're not going to respond to me at all, are you?" She looks up from her folder and smiles at you.

You just give her a tight-lipped smile, not saying anything.

"Well," Agent 13 lets out a deep breath and closes the folder then heads to the door. "I guess I'll just come back when Barnes' questioning is over." She nods a goodbye but a little bit of guilt washes over you.

"Ma'am." You call to her right when she's about the close the door.

"What?" She questions, peeking her head in.

You let out a breath as you maul over the thought once again.

"I'll talk and you anything you want to know if..." You look up at her. "if I get to watch the questioning... and get to go through that backpack you got from Buck." You bargain. "But watching it live but not with a bunch of guards... with Captain America and Bird Boy."

"How do I know you're not saying that?" She responds, not believing you at all. "Plus, what gives you the right to bargain with me?" She scoffs while crossing her arms.

"Even if you have an innocent man in custody, I know you guys are trying to do the right thing. Which I respect even from where I come from." You honestly answer. "And to know I'm not just saying that, why would I even try to bargain with you in the first place?

"Hydra taught me to just keep my mouth shut and wait till the enemy gives up." You inform, remembering the strenuous training and missions that you went through. "I'm going against all I learned because I want to make sure he is alright.

"Bucky's been the only thing I've ever cared for ever since I joined Hydra, I just want to make sure you're not doing anything that might trigger him into the Winter Soldier or hurt him in any way." You explain. "You might not think it but he's been getting better since he escaped Hydra and I don't want you guys to mess up all that progress.

"He wasn't in Vienna and he sure as hell didn't bomb the UN." You make your hand into a fist for emphasis. "He doesn't do that anymore." You sigh and start to knead your hands together.

Agent 13 lets out a breath as she looks over your stance. Your shoulders are hunched down in defeat, you're nervously playing with your hands, and you're keeping your hair in your face so she can't notice the worried look on your face but it isn't working.

"You really care Bucky, don't you?" She questions, realizing an ex-Hydra agent wouldn't ever act like this. You look up at her and nod.

"He's the most important thing in my life." You admit, your voice a bit quieter. She lets out a loud sigh as she uncrosses her arms and shifts her weight onto one leg.

"I'll see what I can do." She sends you a small tight-lipped smile before re-exiting the room.

"Thank you." You whisper just loud enough for her to hear.

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