°o. Promises ~ Bucky Barnes .o

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Civil War Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes ~ Marvel Cinematic Universe

You are on Cap's side for Civil War. You've helped Bucky (without Steve's knowledge) to get back on his feet and help him but you leave when the whole Sokovia Accords things come to arise.

Warning: A bit of Civil War spoilers but the MAIN part is in one of the trailers. Also short.

AN: So, I said I was going to do part three for Two Tickets for what would be this part but I saw Civil War yesterday and I wanted to make an imagine for it while it was fresh in my brain.


During Civil War
San Fransico

I look down at my phone at the address Sam sent me then look back up at the apartment door. It's an older building and there is a bunch of people partying downstairs. I raise my knuckles to the door and knock.

I hear a few yells and a bit of scrambling before the door actually opens to show a latino man with a goatee and a baseball cap on.

"Woah!" His face lights up."You're an Avenger!" Is the greet I get. "Scotty! Get your shit together, an Avenger is here."

I respond with a sheepish shrug.

"Are you the chick Sam said would be picking Scott up to go help kick some ass?" He questions.

"Yeah." I nod. "You must be Luis then." I hold out my hand for him to shake.

"Uh, yeah. I can't believe you know my name."

"Well, you're the only name Sam gave me besides Scott, so." I shrug.

"Woah, woah, woah." A Russian-accented man with his black hair slicked back walks up behind Luis. "This Sam you speak of, why did not mention me?"

"The real crime is why didn't he mention the best out of us." Another man comes us behind the two. "Hi, I'm Dave." He extends his hand out between Luis and the Russian.

"Hi, I'm (Y/N)." You kindly shake his hand. "I would love to chat but I'm kind of in a hurry. Is Scott ready yet?"

"Yep!" Scott pushes past the three guys, a backpack slung over his shoulder.

"Thank God." You say under your breath so they won't hear. "Nice meeting you all." You wave and follow Scott down the stairs.


"So, where we going?" Scott asks as you guys make your way to the nearest airport where the helicopter is.

"Germany." You blatantly answer.

"Germany?!?!" He exclaims. "I can't go to Germany, I have a kid who--"

"Who lives with her mother and soon-to-be stepfather who is a police officer." You cut him off. "I think she'll be fine."

All you get in return is an eye roll, a scoff, and him slouching down in his seat.


When the two of you get to Germany, Clint and Wanda pick you up in a van. The back of the van where you and Scott had to sit have no windows so you really don't know where you are going.

"Are we there yet?" Scott whines like a child.

"Twenty more minutes." Wanda answers.

"Ugh!" He throws his head back. "Should've gotten more sleep."

"Me too." You yawn.

"Would you like some coffee?" Wanda offers while she hands Scott a silver thermos.

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