°o. Doritos ~ Bucky Barnes .o°

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Post-Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes ~ Marvel Cinematic Universe


Little short.


(Y/F/F)= Your favorite food


Inspired by me and Fandoms_Hero watching Parks and Rec while eating Doritos.


"I swear Steve is a human dorito." You close one eye as you hold up a dorito to cover Steve's body while he talks to Tony about an upcoming mission behind the glass wall.

"No, he's not." Your metal armed boyfriend denies, throwing a dorito at you.

"Hey!" You glare at him.

"I did nothing." He raises his hand that isn't in the bag of Cool Ranch doritos in defense.

"You threw a Steve at me."

"I did not throw a Steve at you, I threw a dorito at you." He laughs.

"Well Steve is a dorito so." You tell him with a straight face making Bucky roll his eyes.

"How is Steve a dorito?" He questions.

"Get your cute little butt here." You pat the spot on the couch next to you, he obligates and scouts over to the spot. "First you take a dorito out of the bag." You reach your hand in the regular bag of doritos, taking one out. "Then hold it up to a Captain America." You close one eye lining the top of the dorito up with Steve's shoulders. "And now you have Captain Dorito-ica or a Steven Doritgers."

Bucky raises an eyebrow at you but then lines up his view of sight with the dorito you're holding.

"Well, fuck." He swears. "He is a dorito."

"I know!" You drop your hand with the dorito in it. "It's freaking amazing." You eat the chip.

"You ate Steve!" Bucky whines throwing a hand full of chips at you, some going down your shirt.

"You just got Steve down my shirt." You mumble, airing out your shirt by wafting the fabric a bit to get it out.

Bucky's eyes widen. "Steve's not aloud down your shirt."

"Well, you put 'em there so." You pick the doritos off your chest.

"Well, I can take them out." He smirks reaching his hand over to help but you smack it away.

"I got it."

"No, it's no problem."

"James." You scold sitting up and putting the bag of chips on the coffee table, letting the chips on your shirt fall off.

"Alright." He puts his hands up in defense. "What kind of dorito would Steve be?"

"Cool Ranch." You immediately respond making Bucky snort.

"I see you've thought of this."

"Yep." You lean back next to him.

"But why a Cool Ranch dorito?" He questions putting his feet up on the table.

"Because the bag is blue like his uniform." You explain. "And its his favorite flavor."

"Makes sense." He nods. "What chip would Tony be?" He looks at Tony though the glass.

"He wouldn't be a chip." You tilt your head imaging what kind of food he would be.

"What would he be then?" Bucky wraps his arm around you.

"Uhhhh..." You think while resting your head back on Bucky. "He'd be a cake cone."

"A what?" He laughs a bit.

"You know the cone with the flat bottom." You draw it in the air a bit. "But the one without the rounded top, the one that goes straight up."

Bucky laughs. "Okay... What food or chip would I be?"

"Broccoli." You state after a bit of thinking.

"Why broccoli?"

"Because no one likes you." You joke, booping his noise.

"That hurts." He puts a hand over his heart. "But seriously, what am I?" He looks down at you.

"Hmmm." You hum thinking of the different foods. "(Y/F/F)."

"Why (Y/F/F)?" He questions eating a chip.

"Because you and (Y/F/F) have something in common." You look up at him. "Do you know what that thing is?"

"What?" He looks down at you.

"I love you both." You smile at him cheekily, he smiles back and leans down to give you a kiss.

"You know what food you remind me of?" Buck asks pulling away from the kiss.

"Hmm?" You hum.

"Blueberries." He states looking you in the eyes. "You know why?"


"Because they are like you." He says back.

"Is that so?" You smirk.

"Very much so." He smirks back. "They're my favorite, like you. Plus I love them, like you." He says and gives you another kiss.

"Ewwwww!!" You hear a boyish man whine making the two of you break apart.

You both look towards the way of the whine to see Tony with a disgusted look on his face.

"If you're going to make out take it to your room, no one wants to see that." He complains.

"Says the genius billionaire PLAYBOY philanthropist." You shoot back at him.

"Hey. I keep my pants on when I'm out here."

"No you don't." Bucky accuses.

"I know." He mumbles walking over to the kitchen.

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