°o. T'Challa ~ Bucky Barnes .o°

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Civil War Bucky Barnes ~ Marvel Cinematic Universe

Originally Requested by: @Son_Gorin

*Part 4 to Mini Barnes*

Captain America is surprised to find what he does at his old friend's apartment.

Warning: Angst-ish

Background Info:
Look at the other parts

(Y/E/C)= Your eye color


The "Office"

T'Challa furrows his eyebrows in curiosity as he watches the small brunette sit on her knees on the floor, scribbling away on a piece of paper on the coffee table between them. He slowly takes in her features, comparing some of them to the man he knows as his prisoner:

Her dark, chestnut hair matches her father's to the highlight, the only difference is Kate's hair is to the middle of her back rather than her shoulders. Kate's (Y/E/C) eyes are as expressive as what he has seen Bucky's to be. Her simple clothes are baggy, hanging loosely off of her frame. Her nose is similar to her father's but her jaw isn't as defined as his because of the baby fat she still has.

His intense, non-creepy, gaze gets interrupted by a certain red head entering the room. T'Challa furrows his eyebrows, again, as he notices and smells the white plastic bag in her hand. Kate takes a moment to glance up at her, but she quickly focuses back to her drawing, not really caring about anyone at this moment.

"Hello." She greets, giving them both a polite smile as she sets the bag on the coffee table. "I brought you two food." She takes the Styrofoam boxes and plastic containers out. "For you, some healthy vegetable thing." She pushes the box towards the King. "And for you, hun', I got some fruit and yogurt." She pushes a small box full of different assortments of fruit in it and a container full of vanilla yogurt.

"Thank you, Miss Romanoff." T'Challa gives her a tight-lipped smile. Kate hesitates for a moment, debating taking the food or not. She had a chocolate muffin from the nice lady at the market but that's really all she has had today.

She finally puts down the colored pencil and picks up the plastic fork, opening the lid to the box. Natasha doesn't miss the way the child pokes around at her food, as if she is making sure there isn't something in there to hurt her... which causes a slight frown to form on her face.

"Thank you, Miss Black Widow." Kate quietly mumbles before stabbing a strawberry and eating it.

"No problem, kiddo." She smiles, watching as she digs in with a small smile of her own on her face.

The three of them sit in silence as they eat. Natasha's clearing of the throat causes T'Challa's attention to go to her while Kate's stay on her food.

"So, kid." Natasha speaks up, finally getting the brunette's attention. "Who's your favorite princess?"

"Thor." She answers, Nat lets out a snort. "He has very pretty hair."

"That he does." She confirms with a nod. "So, you know about the Avengers? Your parents didn't... hide them from you?"

"Nope." She shakes her head. "It'd be hard to, with all the stuff that's been goin' on in the world today." She pops a grape into her mouth. "The Avengers fight the battles the little guys can't... they avenge."

T'Challa looks over at Natasha who has a small smile on her face. He tilts his head to the side in question.

"She's not wrong." She shrugs, leaning back in her seat. "We also leave a bit of a mess in our wake, though. That's why the Sokovia Accords are being put into play."

"I'm not questioning that." He defends. "I'm questioning how defending murders comes under the Avenger's avenging jurisdiction." Her eyes widen in surprise, thinking that a king would know better to say that in front of said 'murder's' daughter.

"Your highnes--"

"My papa is not a murder!" Kate exclaims, a frown coming across her lips while her eyebrows furrow in anger.

"He's killed over dozens of innocent people in the last 50 years." He informs, Kate just shakes her head no.

"That wasn't my father." Tears start to form in her eyes.

"Your father killed my fath--"

"No, he didn't!" She slams her tiny fist on the glass table causing the man to shut up. He shakes his head as he leans back in his seat. "My papa didn't kill anyone." She wipes her nose. "He's been with me and Ma ever since a few years ago and he hasn't left since."

"The things you are saying he did was the Winter Soldier." The brunette calmly says. "Papa can barely kill a spider, how could he kill another human?" She mumbles, grabbing a crayon and going back to her coloring.

A thick layer of uncomfortable, tense silence fills the room. T'Challa is scrolling through his phone while Kate is aggressively coloring away.

After a few moments, a ding from a phone breaks the silence. Natasha pulls her phone out of her pocket and reads the text.

She locks her phone and stands up. She then clears her throat, making sure the two's attention is on her. "Barnes' evaluation is starting soon." She announces. "King T'Challa, would you like to come with me?"

"Of course." He jumps out of his seat, heading out the door. Natasha can't hold back an amused smirk from seeing someone as important as him being so impatient.

"Hey, kid." She calls, standing in the door way. Said kid looks up at her elder, big (Y/E/C) eyes with tears still in them. "Stay in here." She commands in a soft voice. "You know that your father wouldn't want you getting into any trouble... especially with what's going on now."

"I know." She mumbles, hanging her head. "I just don't want to lose him." She shyly admits.

"I'm not going to lie to you, Kate... there is a chance of that happening depending on how this goes." She confesses, biting her lip. "And if it does, Steve will make sure we get a hold of your mother so you'll be safe." She promises. "So, no matter the outcome, you'll be okay." She assures. "Alright?"

Kate nods her head. "Thank you, Miss Black Widow."

"No problem." She sends her a last smile before closing the door behind her.

Abandoned Warehouse

"Steve..." Bucky begs, his whole body sore and strained... mentally and physically. Not to mention how his arm is wedged in some sort of compound.

"Which Bucky am I talking to?" The blonde demands, being cautious because of what had happened not even a day ago.

"Your mom's name is Sarah... you used to put newspaper in your shoes." The soldier cracks up a bit, a smile gracing his worn features.

A smile of relief can't help to fight its way onto Steve's face. "You can't read that in a museum."

"And just like that. we--"

"Where's my daughter?" Bucky cuts Sam off, noticing the light in the room has faded.


"Where is she?" He repeats in a stronger voice.

"Hey, calm down." Sam warns.

"And, no offense, Buck," Steve clears his throat. "but I don't think you'd want her to see you like this." Steve admits.

"Oh, god." He lets out a sigh while rubbing his forehead. "What did I do?"


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