°o. Nerdist ~ Sebastian Stan .o°

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Sebastian Stan ~ The Wonderful Land Of Romania

Ft. Chris Hardwick/Nerdist

You are on the Nerdist.

Warning: Supernatural spoilers, Bronze sex scene talk, and I've been wanting to write a Dad Seb imagine so there kind of is Dad Seb mentioned in here

AN: Nerdist is a Podcast that I love that is hosted by Chris Hardwick. I recently listened to the Anthony Mackie one and I was kind of like... why not make an imagine about the reader being on the podcast? There won't be a lot of action gestures since it's like a podcast and you can't see it, you listen to it. But I'll try my best to try to write out that stuff, though.

A little backstory for what you do; you're an actress that is in Supernatural. Your character was Bobby's daughter so when he died, you continue helping the boy with research. And you were in Thor.


"Ahh, it's good to be back." You let out a pleasant sigh as you sit down in the swivel chair across from Chris.

"Yeah, it's your... third time being on the podcast." Chris say.

"Yeah, yeah." You nod along with him. "I came on here for the first Thor movie then when my character got introduce into Supernatural with Felicia Day. Now, I'm here because..."

"Just because I wanted a familiar face on the podcast." He answers your unspoken question.

"Awww." You sarcastically coo. "And you wanted to have a non-structured conversation too?"

"Actually, I have two questions and it will most likely snowball."

"Ooo, shoot."

"How long have you and Sebastian been together?" Chris asks as you spin the wedding band on your finger out of habit.

"You want way back when we met?" You question.

"Sure." He shrugs.

"Well." You think back to when you first met him. "We met on the set of Covenant back in 2005 and we immediately clicked. Best friends. Then he finally asked me to be his date for the premiere of the movie which was in 2006. And we got married three years later."

"You guy have been together for... ten years?" Chris says a bit unsure, you nod. "Wow, you've been together since you were twenty-two."

"Yeah." You nod, smiling a bit at the memories throughout the years. "Chris Evans thinks it's absolutely adorable for some reason that we've been together for so long." You start smiling again. "And it's really not that long, ten years isn't that long." You point out.

"That's one-third of your life." He counters. "Plus, did you guys break up and get back together at one point?"

"Yeah, all couples do when they're dating."

"Does that when you're married, though?" He asks. "'Cause I'm engaged and I need to prepare for that stuff."

"For Seb and I, no." You deny. "We've never threatened to leave each other because we've together since the starts of our careers. The Covenant was his third movie and my second, so he and I have been with each other since the start. Which gave us a sense of home, sort of.

"The farthest we've gotten during a fight is him not talking to me for a week when I was filming up in Canada for Supernatural. But since most of your work is in the California area, you won't have to worry about that stuff. I think you and Lydia will only fight about... like, nerd stuff."

Sebastian Stan Imagines #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now