°o. Wedding Dates ~ Bucky Barnes .o°

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Post- Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes ~ Marvel Cinematic Universe

Your younger sister is getting married and invited you to her wedding along a date. So that means your older, much more judgemental than your younger one, always used to nag on you for not having a boyfriend. So, you have to bring a date.

AN: (Jill/Jean) is your older sister who is judgey. (Carly/Mary) is your younger sister who you absolutely love.



"Come on, Buck. Pleeeeaaaseee!" You beg as you follow him around the tower.

"No." He shakes his head, walking into the kitchen. "I told you, I'm not getting in between your family stuff."

"But, I'll do anything." You pled, he shakes his head again while he grabs a water bottle.

"As I told you literally five billion times," He leans his back against the kitchen counter. "I'm not getting in between your family stuff. You shouldn't have lied to your sister."

"But you know how (Jill/Jean) is." You remind. "If I don't show up with a date, she'll make me regret going. And I don't want to regret going to my sweet little sis's wedding. You know how much I love the girl... I don't want to disappoint her."

"You won't disappoint her." Bucky sets his water bottle down and walks towards you.

"Yes, I will." Tears start to well in your eyes. "That kid is getting married and all I want for her is to have a good time." You start to cry and he pulls you into his chest. "(Jill/Jean) always nags on me if I don't have a date for a family gathering and it usually turns into something that she makes a big deal out of. Making the main focus shift to me and not why we're there."

"Well, that won't happen." He assures.


"Because..." He sighs. "Because I'm coming with you."

"Really?" You pull back from the hug to look up at him.

"Yeah." He confirms, you squeal and jump up and wrap your arms around Bucky's neck.

"Thank you!" You plant kiss on your cheek. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" You place two kisses on his blushing cheeks between each 'thank you' then a long one on his cheek at the last one. "Thank you!!!"

"Woah." Sam walks into the room to see you hanging off of the ex-assassin. "Keep it in your pants."

Few Days Later
(Carly/Mary)'s Wedding Reception

"Ten-hut, (Jill/Jean) twenty paces west, talking with Uncle Joey

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"Ten-hut, (Jill/Jean) twenty paces west, talking with Uncle Joey." You warn as you and Bucky sit at the assigned table while waiting for everyone else to file in and sit down. The table you were assigned to sit your parents, your older sister, your brother, and their dates.

"You don't have to treat this like a mission." Bucky points out, fixing your tense posture by resting his metal hand on your lower back. "It's your little sister's wedding, just relax."

"I'm trying." You sigh and put your head in your hands. "It's stressful. All my life I've wanted her approval for some strange reason. During high school, she would get all the guys and made fun of me if I didn't. When I did have a boyfriend, if she didn't like him I would break up with him not matter how much I liked him." You confess. "It's stupid."

"It's not that stupid." Bucky sort of assures. When you don't respond he scoots his chair right next to you and sets his hand on your back. "It's not that stupid because all younger siblings want approval from their older ones.

"You know I grew up with three younger siblings." He reminds in a soft and gentle tone. "Every time my little sister Rebecca brought a guy home, she would ask if I liked him. I would be honest if I did or did not. If I did, she'd date him until something happened and they broke up.

"When she found a guy named Gary Proctor, she brought him home. I didn't really like to guy because I didn't get a good read on him since he didn't talk much. So when she asked me if I liked him, I told her I didn't.

"That led to the first time of her not caring." He informs and you finally turn your head to look at him. "She didn't care because she was so in love with the guy that she didn't care what other people thought of him.

"When you find a guy that no matter what you don't care what your sister says about him is the day you realize you don't need her approval." He concludes. "Because you are so in love that it makes you realize that it doesn't matter if your sister loves him as long as you love him."

"Thank you, Buck." You give him a small smile and Bucky's gaze flicks down to your lips then quickly back up. Before you know it, you're leaning in. Your lips are about to connect when--

"(Y/N)!" You hear (Jill/Jean)'s voice squeal.

"(Jillllll/Jeeeeaaan)!" You look up at her, faking excitement.

"Did I interrupt something?" She questions, pointing between you and Bucky.

"Nothing we can't finish later." Bucky winks at you, you blush and clear your throat.

"(Jill/Jean) this is Bucky, Bucky this is (Jill/Jean)." You introduce as both of you stand up.

"Nice to meet you." Bucky smiles while shaking her hand.

"You too." She mumbles, eyeing his metal hand. He quickly retracts and shoves it in his pocket. But you catch it before it can go into his pocket and interlace your fingers together. "So, how long have been together?"

"Only a few months." You answer. "But I love him none the less." You smile up at him, he smiles back and pecks your lips.

"Greeeaattt." Your sister says and just walks away to group of people. As she talks to them, you see her point over at the two of you but you don't care.

"Want to give her something to shut up about?" You ask as you place your hands on Bucky's chest and smile up at him.

"Mhmm?" He hums, you lean up and press your lips against his. He immediately responds by resting his hands on your waist while you wrap your arms around his neck.

"Aye, no making out." You hear your younger sister scold causing you to laugh against Bucky's lips. "I only get to, it's my wedding day." She jokes.


Sort of bad ending. I haven't been on my writing game lately. I'm kind of stressed because all my friends are in sports and I'm injured so I can't do what sport I was going to do so I'm indulging myself in writing, which isn't going too well.

I've been thinking of doing a Supernatural Fanfic but I'm not sure since the cases are actually really hard to make up. I respect the writers for any SPN fanfic and the show who make up cases so easily.

Also, if you didn't know, Agent_Anna (Mrs. Stank ~ Anna), Fandoms_Hero (Idjit-Only ~ Danni), and I (Head Honcho ~ Zoe) have a Tumblr called fandoms-archive. It is literally just a Tumblr of different fandom imagines. So, if you want to check that out, go ahead.

Plus, I accidentally updated Avenge before this so after I updated H.E.R.O.E.S the next time, the schedule will be back to normal.

~Meowlnir aka Zoeeeeeeeee

Maybe a sort of sad/depressing/triggering imagine next time. I haven't decided yet. And IDK if I will do Part 3 to Married for a Week because I don't have any ideas for babysitting Mackie's kid, so if you have any suggestions for that, please comment. Don't DM because I honestly don't check my messages often.

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