Who the hell are you?

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{Hey guys!
This chapter has been edited but don't panic I only changed the spelling, grammar of some words and took out things that didn't make sense.
Anyways enjoy.}
Sup! It's March and I'm writing another chapter.
Enjoy chapter 3 you beautiful people ; 3

(___)'s POV

I rounded yet other corner back into the Market area with the two pirates still hot on my heels. Pumping my legs as hard as I could I shot straight out of the alley and made a hard left only to stop die in my tracks once again to see....Marines?

As I looked around The Navy, plenty of the marketeers, vendors and salesmen and women littered the street.

'That should keep them from coming any closer,' I thought as I made a beeline for home.

Luck was on my side today as the market area was packed with tourists and The Navy for me to slip into the crowd unnoticed. Gradually making my way through the market I kept my eyes and ears open for anything.

That day I was teaching the kids who lived in my street. They were a wild bunch of animals at times, but kids none of the less. I wasn't really a teacher but more of a tutor of some sought. Sure, I helped the kids with their actual school work from time to time but I didn't really have any classes.

Rather than a boring tutor I was more like one kickass babysitter. I let the kids help me test out new inventions that were kinda safe. There were a few explosions now and then but no one got hurt or anything.

I think.

As I walked into my street I was immediately tackled by a small army, literally.

'(___)-oneechan!' They all yelled in unison as I landed on the pavement.

'Hey! How many times do I have to tell you guys if you wanna wrestle' I pulled Bell, the oldest boy into a headlock, 'wait until we get inside'.

'(___)-oneechan! L-Let go!' Bell demanded as he realised that, after all his struggling to get free, he had landed his face right in between my boobs.

Bell was a good kid. He was the one in charge when I went to the bathroom or when someone tripped and scrapped themselves or had a nosebleed I had to take care of.

He was fifteen year old with white snowy hair and big grey eyes that made him extremely adorable. He was tall but whenever I hugged him his face always landed straight into my chest.

It really was adorable.

I had a total of twelve kids, seven boys and five girls.(I know thats a shit load to handle).

There was obviously Bell. Marko who was thirteen and a lovable short brunette with chocolate button eyes. Romeo was twelve a little prankster with a sand blonde hair and green eyes.

The twins, Barny and Bart, a typical pair always arguing at the age of ten. While Barny sported short red hair and big brown eyes, Bart grew his hair out and had green eyes with a hint of hazel.

Ciel, a short brunette with nine years on him and purple eyes who liked to mess with the girls. Then there was Finny, a bubbly six year old with pink hair and big orange eyes and for a little guy he could eat.

Now for the girls:

Viola was the oldest girl with fourteen years on her and Romeo's big sister, like her brother she sported the sand blonde hair and green eyes but she was more serious and protective. (Typical Oneechan.) Pon-chan was a happy-go-lucky twelve year old sugar freak with black hair and blue eyes. Mey had a thing for books and frills and she was a greenette with yellow eyes, she was eleven. Hanna had long light blue hair and wore glasses over her big silver eyes, she kept to herself mostly for a nine year old but always had fun with everyone else. Then lastly there was Mary, a perky little five year old with grey hair and red eyes.

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