Sleeping Beauty Bit Captain!

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Hey guys.
I hope everyone is doing well.
Anyways this chapter has been edited and I hope you enjoy it.
Chapter 7.

Law's POV

After my run in with the Kid Pirates I made my way towards the docks and when I had arrived everyone was preparing for our departure.

Well, almost everyone.

(___)-ya was staring off into space on the edge of the docks.

'Penguin-ya is (___)-ya alright?' I asked my subordinate as he walked pass.

'I don't know Captain' he looked over to her then turned back to me. 'She's been staring into the water for a few minutes now'.

'Mm... I'll get her aboard. Is everything ready?'

'Aye Captain'.

'Good, tell everyone to board and prepare to dive' I ordered.

'Aye Captain' he said before heading off.

As I walked up to (___) I sensed sadness and depression radiating off of her. Even though she refused at first she had still joined my crew. Which actually shocked me to how fast she changed her mind.

'Are you alright?' I asked her as I placed my hand on the small of her back and slightly nudged her towards the sub.

'I'm fine' was all she said before passing out an me.

Quickly dropping my Nodachi and extending my arm I caught her from falling face first onto the dock. I picked her up bridal style and then called for Bepo to take my Nodachi before we headed for the ship. After sending off orders to the rest of the crew and we submerged I made my way to my office to assess what was wrong with (___).

I gently laid her body on the gurney I had in my office and looked her over (not in the dirty way). She looked physically fine on the outside but I couldn't really assess her properly unless she was awake.

So I tried my luck with waking her up.

'(___)-ya, wake up' I said, shaking her gently.

No response.

I thought of pouring water over her but then thought against it. As I stared at the woman sleeping in front of me, thinking of ways to wake her up my gaze narrowed on her lips for some reason.

They were slightly parted with what looked to be a gloss lightly applied.

I leaned over her to the point where our noses almost touch. As I was about to close the gap I quickly pulled back.

'What the hell am I doing?' I thought taking off my hat before running my hand through my already messy hair. 'I'll just wait' I said straightening myself before heading towards my desk.

After placing my hat down, taking my seat and putting my feet up on the desk I continued to stare at the woman lying opposite me.

Unconscious, her light breathing was the only thing to be heard in my office.

Time skip drought to you by Law staring

2 hours later (___) still hadn't awoken from her coma like state. It felt like a few minutes for me since I zoned out or fell asleep a few times.

Bepo, Shachi and Penguin arrived and each of them tried to figure out how to wake the (h\c) woman.

'Maybe we should try being really loud?' Bepo suggested.

'No I tried that already with my headphones but it didn't do anything. She didn't even flinch' Shachi pointed out as he held up his headphones.

'I know! What if spray her with a spray bottle?' Penguin suggested.

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