I don't want to!

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{Hey guys!
This chapter has been edited due to me thinking something's don't sound right or make sense in anyway.
This pic is so SEXY♡
Anyway, here is chapter 4.
Hope everyone enjoys it!

Law's POV

(___) 's wasn't to excited with the idea that someone was frightening her children. Frankly, I wanted to make the kids disappear so I could finally get the answers to my questions in peace without some brats around us. But that would make (___) -ya very uncooperative.

'What do you want?' She spat.

'I guess she really doesn't like pirates...or she's actually smart and doesn't trust me'  I thought as I scanned her.

'(___)-ya I would like you to come with me so I can ask you a few questions'.

It wasn't a matter of her saying yes or no.

'Like hell pirate, why don't you just hand yourself over to the Navy over there in the bushes!' she exclaimed, pointing to the bushes on my right. 'Then the world can actually sleep easier tonight knowing another one of you is behind bars' she continued after crossing her arms.

After she had said that I could hear murmurs coming from the bushes.

'Shit that woman blew our cover'.

'Ssshhhhhhh! Maybe he thinks she's bluffing'.

'Yeah and when he turns his attention away from her and the kids she'll make a ran for it'.

'Shush! We gotta be quiet before Trafalgar notices'.

The woman in front of me facepalmed. 

'Kids take a lesson from this' she stopped while they all turned their attention to her.  'Never become a pirate or join the Navy because their all idiots, understand?'

'Aye, (___)-oneechan' they all replied in unison.

'EEEHHH?!' The Navy yelled, popping out of their hiding places.

'Its true!' (___)-ya snapped.

'We understand that statement about pirates...'

'..but why the Navy?'

'Yeah, Miss don't be so cruel we came her to save you and those kids!'

'Then why were you hiding in the bushes? You guys stand out like a sore thumb!' She yelled as she begun to massage her temples. 'You guys look like a bunch of creeps. I mean, come on! You're in a playground where people bring children to play! Anyone with common sense would think that's creepy!'

As the young woman argued back and forth with the Marines I noticed that she had changed from the last time I had seen her.

She wore a (any colour you want) skirt that came mid thigh with a (f/c) short sleeve botton shirt and a (2nd/f/c) tie paired with (any shoes you want) and she had a (f/c) slingbag. Much different to the outfit she wore earlier.

Then again, she had been swimming.

'We will prove you wrong!' The marines yelled as they turned their attention towards me.

'Trafalgar Law! You're under arrest!'

'I think not and (___)-ya you still haven't answered me' I said as I  turned my attention back to her.

She was no longer paying attention to me as she crutched down to the children's levels with her back to me.

Completely ignoring me.

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