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{Hey guys.
This chapter has been edited due to incorrect grammar and spelling as well as somethings not making as much sense as they should.}
Hello there!
Hope everyone is having a beautiful September so far because I know I am!
Anyways I hope that everyone is well and what not.
Chapter 38.

Law's POV

After taking an incredible refreshing nap with (___) we had both awoken in each other's arms, neither of us making an effort to move. And if anything we moved closer together.

'What do you think you would be today if you weren't a pirate?' (___) asked, laying her head on my chest.

'I would probably be one of the best surgeons throughout the entire world' I replied, absentmindedly playing with a strand of her (h/c) hair.

'With or without the fruit?' She asked, the curiosity glistening in her eyes.

'Without, I had obtained it after I had already become a pirate'.

'Thats so cool. You sound like you had an interesting childhood' she said, tilting her head to the left.

'Well, your childhood didn't sound to boring either' I said, placing my hand atop her head.

'It was for the most part but then...well. know what happened' she trailed off as she looked away, avoiding my gaze.

I ran my fingers through her hair and she turned her gaze back to me. Her eyes shun with confusion as she stared at me.

'Captain I-' before (___) could finish her sentence she suddenly sat up, her body tense and her eyes wide.

'What is it?' I asked, sitting up as well the blanket that had been covering most of my upper half slid down, exposing the rest of my bare abdomen.

'Something is not right' she stated, her eyes darting around the room.

'What do you mean?' I asked, my brows coming together in confusion.

'Someone on the Sub is giving off a huge amount of murderous intent' she said, sliding off the bed.

'Do you know who?' I asked, swinging my legs off the side of the bed.

'I can't really tell since I haven't been on the Sub that long to recognize everyone's auras specifically but I can feel which side of the Sub it's coming from' she explained, her eyes now landing on the door.

'Its probably another prank gone wrong' I scoffed, standing up from where I sat.

'You're probably right' she sighed before she looked over at the clock on my wall. 'Its almost lunch time and if we're not there the crew's mind will probably start to wonder to other things'.

'Yeah, what is up with that lately? Everyone keeps asking me if we're together' I said, picking up my jeans from where I had left them on the floor. 'Do you have any idea of how that come about?'

'I told you in the loading bay earlier. It's because you keep doing things to me that seem like we are in an intimate or romantic relationship, in front of the crew no less. It's no wonder to why they would ask that Trafalgar' she explained, collecting her jacket and shoes from where they hung over the back of my desk chair.

'Mm..I guess you're right' I said, starting to slip my legs into my pants.

It wasn't something that I would've thought to have been taken the wrong way, but apparently it had.

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