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Hello there.
I hope you are doing well, the moment you read this.
Anyways enjoy.
Song: Wanderers lullaby by Adriana Figueroa.
Chapter 50.
Like, what?

(___)'s POV

Waking up is a normal thing. When you get up in the morning the first thing you do is open your eyes. It's routine and everyone does it from the time they first come into this world until the day they leave it.

Waking up for me on the other hand had been a different story lately.

Getting thrown out of bed into a Fishmen attack, waking up on an unfamiliar ship after technically being in a coma and waking up with my entire body searing with pain.

It hadn't been fun for me.

The constant beeping of a heart monitor had my head throbbing and when that had gotten to much I opened my eyes, only to be met with the stinging light of the overhead light in Law's office.

I hissed as I tried to sit up, the pain in my side becoming that more evident with each movement I made. I stopped trying to move when the sound of glass braking made me jump, sending I shot of pain through my side. I look up with wide eyes and they met with stormy grey ones.

Law stared at me in disbelief. His eyes shining with relief so brightly that I couldn't stop myself from looking away.

I stared down at my lap as his foot steps reached my ears. I looked up and I was suddenly wrapped in his embrace, his warmth encapsulated me as I felt tears sting the corners of my eyes.

And they weren't from the pain.

I slowly wrapped my arms around him as best as I could, my body feeling heavy from not moving so much. I gripped the back of his shirt as he mumbled into my hair how much I worried him. My tears soaking into his shirt as I buried my face into his chest.

When both of us had finally calmed down Trafalgar had taken my face between his hands and wiped away my tears. His thumbs delicately sliding over my cheeks as he stared down at me.

'Don't you ever, ever do that to me again, do you understand?'

I nodded as a small smile found it's way onto my face. The last of my tears sliding down my face.

'Good because if you do I'll kill you' he threatened, the amusement clear as day in his eyes.

I tried to laugh but the feeling of sand paper rubbing against my throat had me in a coughing fit.

Trafalgar disappeared from my side, returning quickly with a glass of water, and once I had calmed down he placed the glass to my lips. The cool liquid felt like a breath of fresh air going through me, cooling the heat that raged on inside me.

'How are you feeling?'

I cleared my throat a few times, the sound of my own voice sounding foreign. 'Sore but that's to be expected'.

When I really looked at Trafalgar I noted the heavy bags under his eyes had returned and his hair looked messer than would've been without his hat.

I took his hand in my own and gently pulled him closer. 'Help me sit up'.

After he had me propped up on several pillows and made sure that I was comfortable, only then did he allow me to pull him into my lap.

His body laid next to my legs as he used my lap as a pillow. His hand holding my own as my other played with his hair, lulling him to sleep with soft humming and the constant petting of his hair.

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