Shit Is About To Hit The Fan!

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Hey there guys!😄
Hope ya'll have an amazing Easter and what not. 😆
Anyways big thanks to all my readers for over 22k reads, like what?! You guys are awesome and I hope that you will continue reading my crappy story that I thought of while I was planning my vacation. 😕
Anyways here is chapter 30!😊

Law's POV

The cool breeze rubbed against my skin as soon as I stepped out onto the deserted balcony with (___). My cape and her veil fluttering gently in the wind as we walked to the edge, away from prying ears of the nosy nobles as they gossiped and spoke ill of those who were considered "less fortunate" than them.

'Ugh, these people make me feel sick' (___) scoffed under her breath.

I sighed at her statement as I set my glass of champagne down onto the banister. 'It's their nature to speak ill of others. They are "trophy wives" and the only thing that they're allowed to do in this society is stay at home and make sure that their daughters become "proper ladies" so that when they get sold off they except their fate as gaining more success or wealth for their families instead thinking it to be a trap by their society'.

She scoffed again. 'Almost makes you feel sorry for the fuckers'.

'Ha, the day they show some empathy for the rest of the world is the day I'll think of feeling sorry for them' I announced.

She bit her lip in thought as she stared up at the moon before checking her watch. 'We better check in with the others. It's almost time'.

I nodded as she removed her baby den den mushi from her cleavage, I had to resist the urge to stare at where the tiny snail had been sleeping.

She dialed the surveillance team as we plugged in our earpieces and listened to each teams reports.

'Surveillance, what's your report?' I asked once they had picked up.

'Not much happening in the ballroom, Captain. The guards are in a constant protection formation around the family and the guests are simply jus wishing the happy couple. Ryuu got a heavy nose bleed from that pretty lady that was on stage and passed out a while ago. Other than that there's nothing else to report Captain' explained Yori as I just sweatdropped at the perverted fishman.

'Alright report in if anything else happens' I massaged my temple as Yori signed off and hung up.

I turned to (___) who had been quiet throughout the entire call to see that she was covering her mouth with her hand to keep in the laugh that threatened to spill out. Her eyes were watery and her shoulders shook.

The glare I sent her made her stop pretty quick though.

'Sorry' she mumbled as she started dialing the extraction team.

I just stared at her before I turned my attention back to the snail.

'Extraction team here' Caleb answered.

'Hi, Caleb. Whats your report?' (___) asked as her smile returned.

'Evening (___)-chan. Everything to be going to plan. The guard is just walking up and down the halls, just in front of the cellar door-' there's some shuffling and I can faintly hear Penguin's voice in the background.

'What's happening?' I asked as my brows come together.

'That guy that (___)-chan mentioned earlier just walked up to the guard' he said as the snail had a worried look on it's face.

'Pay no mind to him. His just checking in on the guard, it means that it's almost time for them to change' she explained and the snail looked relieved.

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