I Feel You.

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Hello guys.
I hope everyone is doing well this glorious day/evening.
Anyways unfortunately this will be the last chapter of Follow The Glow Worms and I'm so happy to have had so much support from everyone.
A huge thanks going out to those people who were here since day one and I'm so happy that you stuck around.
Chapter 60.

(___)'s POV

'So we are going to raise our hands above our heads, making sure that they are still together while taking a slow calming breath'.

I don't know how, when or why but somehow it had gone from me doing yoga alone on the deck to giving a lesson to nearly the entire crew.

The sun was out, the temperature was just right and the little bit of clouds that filled the sky provided shade every so often so that we didn't over heat. The weather was perfect so it was natural for everyone to be outside.

But I never imagined that I would be watching Ryu do the side crane.

Pushing myself forward I touched my forehead to my knees and I chuckled as a few groans were heard.

'No pain, no gain'.

Pulling my legs apart I placed my elbows on the floor and smiled as I did a complete 180° with either leg and people got up and left.

'You guys have fun with that' Junichi said, as he stood up to leave.

Only to be pulled back by a pouting Chie. 'Don't be like that'.

'This is crazy' the older man said, shaking his head as he sat down again.

'You are totally whipped man' I said, pushing myself into downward dog.

Chie shushed me as a blush covered her face.

'Aw! Chie is red as a cherry! Maybe we should call her cherry from now on!' Etsuko giggled, as I rolled my eyes and laid flat on my stomach.

'I think that is enough for today'.

Those left groaned and collapsed onto the deck as the girls picked up their mats and headed inside, except for Chie.

'You ok there, Chie?' I asked, picking up my mat as well.

She shook her head and covered her mouth, bolting for the railing where she emptied out her stomach.

'Chie!' Dropping my mat I ran to her side as her breakfast and tea made a reappearance. 'Chie...' I rubbed her back as she coughed and heaved in her breath.

Junichi was at her side with a bottle of water and a towel as she fell to her knee. 'You ok?'

'I don't know. I was fine earlier and when we started. I just felt sick all of a sudden' she said, wiping her mouth and rinsing it.

I stared at her long and hard as I thought over the plausible causes of why she was sick so suddenly. Looking her over from head to toe I couldn't stop myself from reaching out and touching her stomach.

Imagine my shock when I felt energy gathering in her midsection.

'Well, I believe a congrats are in order' I said as I sniffed and tried to keep my tears at bay.

Chie looked at me as if I had grown a second head and sprouted ears. 'Your joking?'

I shook my head as I placed Chie's hand where mine was once before placing Junichi's over her's. 'I leave them in your care'.

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