I only need parts of it.

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{Hey guys.
This chapter has been edited due to incorrect grammar and spelling as well as somethings not making as much sense as they should.}
Hello there beloved readers☺.
Hope you guys are having an awesome November😄.
Anyways here's chapter 20😆 (OMFG😭).

(___)'s POV

'Its not the much further from here' I stated as we walked through the main street I couldn't help but feel a bit on edge.

After the incident with Akiro, I honestly saw the 3 men with me in a new light. I thought they were only good at their jobs on the sub but it seems that I underestimated their abilities and strengths as Pirates.

Isuma fell into step with me. 'So, (___)-chan what was the story with that guy? I'm not trying to get into your business or anything. It's just that you 2 seemed like you've known each other for awhile'.

I sighed. 'Its a really long story. I'll tell you over a drink sometime'.

He nodded his understanding. 'Sure thing, just come and find me when you want that drink'.

I chuckled and smiled at him before turning ahead of me again. 'We're here'.

The Inn was a 4 storie victorian styled building that was split into two parts. One half of the house was meant for the families living space and the other was for the business. The house was painted peach while the frames of the windows and doors were white. The building itself was originally a morge reserved for the nobility of the island but since a lot of "commoners" moved into the area in the last 60 to 70 years the nobles decided to uproot and move to the far side of the island but luckily not a lot of people knew that.

I walked up to the door and knocked. 'Word of warning, mind your manners. His mother is extremely old fashioned'.

They nodded and the door opened to reveal the very woman I was talking about.

'(___)! What a pleasant surprise! What on earth are you doing here?' The elder woman pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

I smiled kindly and returned the gesture. 'Mariaan, it's a pleasure to see you as well'.

She pushed me away but her hands remained on my forearms. 'Look at you, you've grown into a fine young woman ever since I last saw you. Beautiful and absolutely gorgeous it's a wonder why you aren't married yet'.

'You mind other people's manners but not your own still I see' I smiled as the thought popped into my head. 'No, I haven't changed much but I see you haven't aged a day'.

Which was true.

Mariaan looked to be in her early fourties despite her actual age(*cough 69*cough). Her fair skin held no wrinkles, while her black hair only sported a few greyhairs, her brown eyes held wisdom inside them and lastly her figure was definitely not that of a grandmother of 5. Her red dress hugged her body perfectly and she looked like the very definition of elegance and grace.

'Oh stop, you're making me blush'. Mariaan looked behind me and her smile grew a bit. 'Who are your friends dearie?'

'Oh yes'. I turned to the three behind me and introduced each of them. 'Mariaan, these gentlemen are my friends who came to help me with retrieving what I need here'.

Ryuu removed his headband and bowed formally to Mariaan. 'Good afternoon madam. It's a delight to meet such a wondrous beauty such as yourself'.

Mariaan eyes sparkled. 'Well aren't you quite the charmer?'

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