She's No Porcelain Doll.

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{Hey guys.
This chapter has been edited due to incorrect grammar and spelling as well as somethings not making as much sense as they should.}
Hi to the people of the world😆
Hope you guys had an awesome Valentines (death by being single😢😱).
Song: Death of the bachelor by Panic! At the Disco.😋
Anyways happy reading.😜
Chapter 26.😄

Law's POV

'So what was it you wanted to talk to me about, Mister Pirate-kun?' Shinji asked as he sat down in his leather office chair.

I took a seat in the chair that was directly opposite and leaned my sword against the side. 'I wanted to ask you more about (___)-ya and my name is Trafalgar Law' I said as I narrowed my eyes.

He sweatdropped and raised his hands in defence. 'Don't look so scary young man. I mean nothing disrespectful by it'.

I sighed and crossed my legs. 'Anyways back to the matter at hand. I want to know how (___)-ya came to have such a tremendous amount of blood lust. In some cases people gain their immense amount of blood-thirst when something traumatic or scaring happens to them.... so my question is what happened to her?'

Shinji stared at me for a few moments before he stood up and walked over to the window where the dying afternoon light shun through. He looked older all of a sudden as the sunlight made his wrinkles more noticeable and refined. He stared out of the window and I watched him just standing there, waiting for him to say something.

'Shinji-ya, I am not a very patient man and when I ask a question I expect an answer-' I narrowed my eyes '-immediately'.

He turned around and smiled, placing his hands behind his back. 'Before I answer your question Trafalgar-kun...let me ask you this'.

I raised a brow.

'Why dont you ask (___)-san herself?'

I was shell shocked by his question. 'Why didnt it ask her?' was the question going through my mind before a reason came to me (so he wouldn't look dumb as fuck)

'(___)-ya is currently busy helping my first mate. While we were gone my crew had decided to catch on quite the bit of mischief' I smiled inwardly in triumph.

He walked over to a cabinet that was to the left of his office and when he got there he opened the door and pulled out two glasses and a bottle of whiskey.

'Oh, I see now. I witnessed the "mischief" your crew was busy with when I came to come check what was the commotion all about but I don't think (___) would take that long with the task you gave her. I mean, she did look after plenty of children and the possible stains and messes she could get on her clothes are endless' he smirked.

I kept a neutral face as he backed me in a corner.

'I was honestly more concerned for my first mate and less about (___)-ya's experience with children. She was the closest person I could think of who would be able to remove the makeup and get that pink out of his boiler suit'.

'So you were sexist in your assumptions?' He poured the whiskey into the glasses.

I glared at the older man. 'Your avoiding my previous question, Shinji-ya' I said in a less than pleased tone.

He sighed and brought me one of the glasses. I took it and he sat back down in his seat.

'Alright I'll tell you but on the condition that you do not tell (___) that you know and that I told you'.

I took a sip from my glass and considered the condition. 'Fine, I won't tell her about this conversation'.

He seemed to physically relax as he leaned back into his chair.

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