My Someone.

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Hey there.
I hope you guys are rocking life this May and enjoying it to the fullest.
Song: LSD - Genius ft. Sia, Diplo and Labrinth
Chapter 54.

Law's POV

'...and we have enough food to last us until we arrive at the next island. The Sub is fully operational and we haven't run it to any kinks or bumps from the last major repair. And a report from the navigators: clear seas ahead and no signs of interference from all sides'.

I sighed, leaning back in my seat. It had been a while since I haven't heard any kind of bad news and coming from such a beauty made it even better.

'Thank you, (___)-ya'.

The (h/c) haired woman smiled as she looked up from her clipboard. 'No problem, Captain'.

Ever since (___) had woken up a few weeks before we had grown closer together and somethings had definitely changed in our relationship.

After a few days of her disappearing early in mornings to get clothes from her room and leaving me alone in bed, I had ordered her to move in. It went well, the other girls didn't complain, then again they couldn't, the male members of the crew had whispered and gossiped about what we could've been doing behind closed doors, but that was normal.

Most importantly (___) didn't seem to mind since she practically was already living in there, the array of tools, bullets and shell cases I kept finding was proof of that.

Another thing that had changed was her boldness. She kissed me when and wherever she thought it was appropriate.

And it definitely wasn't just a peck on the lips either.

Just a few days before we we're having a little spat with the Marines and she had pulled me closer when they had charged for us. While everyone was dodging bullets we were in our own world that just revolved around us and nothing else.

'Lunch is in a few minutes. You want me to bring you something or are you going to come with me?' (___) leaned onto my desk, her cleavage in full view.

I smirked. 'Maybe I'll have you'.

She rolled her eyes, a smirk of her own pulling at the corners of her lips. 'Oh, really?~ To bad I'm not on the menu~'

Leaning my elbow on the table, I rested my chin in my palm as I locked eyes with her. 'That's unfortunate. I was looking forward to an enjoyable meal'.

She snickered, climbing onto the desk until our noses almost touch. 'Sorry hun. Looks like this meal isn't available at the moment'.

A low growl slipped up my throat as I made a grab for her but when I felt nothing within my arms I looked up to see her standing by the door.

A smug smile and glistening eyes decorating her face. 'I guess you'll be coming down later, huh?'

I scoffed as I settled back into my seat. 'I guess I will'.

Giggling as she opened my door she blew me a kiss before shutting the door behind her.

I shook my head.

'Well, you can't help who you fall in love with'.

(___)'s POV

'So what have you and Captain been doing? I mean, you guys have been so secretive lately and we've been wondering just what goes on behind closed doors'.

I rolled my eyes as Minori wiggled her eyebrows at me, while Etsuko's face went beet red when she caught on as to what we were talking about.

'Ladies! This is an inappropriate conversation to be having with an pure minded child around!'

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