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Hey there lovies.
SUPER huge thanks going out to the peeps who keep filling the comments with their9 hilarious comments and suggestions. I do read them and they're awesome.
Anyways enjoy.
Chapter 53.

Minori's POV

'Whoever has their hand on my ass be prepared to lose it!' I yelled, getting caught in another dog pile as we all tried to ambush Captain and (___), again.

'It's mine. Now relax and tell us what the letter said' Chie said from where she sat comfortable on top of me and the several crew mates underneath us.

I wiggling my arm I pulled out (___)'s note from my pocket.

'Dearest crew mates.

Me and Captian have decided that we have not had the best of luck recently but now is our chance to turn that around. We'll be playing a little game of tag today, captain and myslef vs everyone else.

If anyone is tagged by us we get 10 points and if someone manages to tag one of us then that person gets 50 points for their team.

To tag someone you simple have to smear them with the powder paint that I had left with this letter. The game officially starts when you hear my gunshot go off.

Enjoy and don't leave the park.
Love Captian and (___)'.

We all stared down at the note once we had untangled ourselves from the dog pile.

'They're not serious, right?' Etsuko asked from where she sat on Bepo's shoulders.

'It seems they're dead serious' I said, raising the bag of powder paints, an involuntary groan leaving my lips. 'Might as well take the challenge. How many of us are there?'

'There's ten of us and it looks like the first team to tag all the opposing team members  wins' Chie stated as she held onto the bridge of her nose. 'She just woke up from a coma and Law decides the best way for her to get better is to push herself over the limit. If that idiot wasn't who he is I would've kill him for putting her in such a position'.

'What do you mean by "who he is"?' Shachi asked as he stepped forward, leaves sticking out of his hair in all directions.

I cut in. 'That's not important. We'll probably want to spilt up. Cover more ground so if they do catch us we're few and far in between. Let them exert themselves rather than us getting caught all at once and losing'.

Etsuko nodded as she climbed off of Bepo's back. 'Well, I guess we better start moving. (___)-oneechan didn't say when she would fire but it's better if an started sooner than later'.

Everyone agreed, taking their share of powder paints before running off into different directions.

I jumped from tree to tree, ears open for any gunshots or movement.

And there it was.

As if they were watching and waiting for us to move (___)'s gunshot rang out throughout the park, birds fluttered to the sky in fright as I kept going. Staying as concealed as I could from possible eyes. A girlish scream rang out, stopping me in my tracks as I tried to figure out who got caught before I remembered the day  Fumio saw a spider and shattered his own glasses.

Rolling my eyes I kept moving, kept listening for any and everything that could potentially be a chance for them to catch me...well, so much for that.

When I got to a clearing that was to big for me to jump over without being caught I leaped down to forest floor and my foot was immediately caught by one of (___)'s fox traps. Sighing deeply when she appeared in front of me and smeared her paint covered hand across my face.

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