New Arrivals

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Hello there fellow humans.
I hope everyone is doing well and what not.
Anyways I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful Heritage month.
Chapter 59.

Law's POV

'Like I said early! I don't like you grubby paws all over (___)-sama! You are unworthy to even look in her direction, let alone touch such a beautiful being!' The shorter, older female yelled.

'And I told you that if you didn't get you're perverted hands off of her I'll cut them off!' I countered.

After I had stumbled upon her pressing her lips against (___)'s we had been yelling at each for the last hour as (___) stood in the middle of us, tilting towards whoever pulled her towards them.

'Perverted? How dare a man call me, the one and only Shu Kirika, a pervert when his clearly only lusting after my Queen?'

I gritted my teeth. That woman had been getting on my last nerve and if she had mentioned her name, once again, it was going down on my kill list.

'Listen you hag! (___)-ya has been on my crew for a half a year now and I'd like to tell you that we've become more than just crewmates. So piss off!'

Using her momentum against her when she pulled (___) towards her I raised my leg and planted my heel directly between her ribs and pushed. The pervert was sent flying backwards as I lifted (___) into my arms and transported us back to the Sub.

She sighed. 'Sorry about her. Her ancestors-mmm!'

I didn't give her anytime to go into her people's history when I pressed my lips to her's, catching her completely off guard.

She melted against me, slipping her hands underneath my hat and tangling her fingers in my hair. The little sounds she made had me tightening my hold on her, leaving little space between us as I slipped my tongue into her mouth.

(___) smiled against my lips as she pulled away for a brief second before I pulled her back in for another kiss. Pressing her hand against my chest she freed her lips and laughed against my neck as she rested her head on my shoulder. 'Someone's the jealous type'.

I scoffed. 'That pervert isn't allowed on my ship'.

(___) sighed again. 'She's a part of my family Law. I'll talk to her and we can establish some boundaries while she's here. It'll be hard for her since its in her basic instincts to jump me like that'.

I raised a brow. 'What do you mean?'

'Like the crew, everyone has a purpose. Same goes the Sirens. I'm the leader, Chie is the advisor or my second in command, Minori is my informat, Etsuko is my soldier, Shiko is my chef and Kirika...well...'

I stopped walking, waitiing for her to finish. 'What is Kirika-ya to you?'

She sighed again. 'Alright story time but I'll only tell you once we get back to the room. Deal?'

I nodded and continued on until we arrived back to our shared bedroom. Setting (___) down on the bed I kicked off my shoes and sat down facing her. 'Spill'.

She cleared her throat as she tucked her one leg underneath her and turned towards me. 'Okey but first a little history lesson since you didn't let me finish earlier. The Siren race consisted of twelve sects once upon a time. The "Queen" and her offspring, being the major sect of them all, had to have it all. Each sector provided something different to them, whether the one who provided that thing was elected, nominated or chosen someone or some people had to provide it.

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