Mother's Day Special.

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{Hey guys.
This chapter has been edited due to incorrect grammar and spelling as well as somethings not making as much sense as they should.}
Hey guys! 😁
Hope ya'll are having an amazing May and I hope you all showered your mother's with love this Mother's Day😆
Anyways this chapter is dedicated to the ones who have cleaned our scraped knees and wiped out tears away when we were down.😊
BTW: ya'll might wanna bust out the tissues for this one.
Song: supermarket flowers by Ed Sheeran.😢
Happy Mother's Day to all the Mamas out there!😚

(___)'s POV (5 years ago)

I walked down the busy street with four bags hanging from each arm. Mom hadn't been feeling too well lately so I had to most of the shopping since I refused to let her out the house until she was felt and looked better.

The doctor has said it was the flu and he had given us all these different prescription meds for her to take. They seemed to be working since some of her color had returned this morning and her temperature had gone down tremendously.

As I turned into the street I noticed that all of the neighborhood kids were out and about. Some kids were playing hide-and-seek, others were playing tag, some of the girls were skipping together while the boys played cops and robbers.

It was a very cute scene to witness.

When I got home unlocked the door and entered before closing it again.

'Mom! I'm home!' I yelled as I kicked off my shoes and walked into the kitchen. 'Mom!' I called again when I didn't get a reply. I placed everything onto the counter and walked to the stairs. 'Mom!' I called again as I stared walking up the stairs.

The upstairs floor was eerily silent as my feet touched the landing. The only sound I could make out was the soft flutter of the blinds as they blew in the breeze coming through the window. Normally my mom would've had the radio going when she was alone in the house, she never liked silence, and would often scold me when the house was quiet.

'Mom...' I said as I pushed open her door.

Her room was decorated with creams, blues and greens. There were two large windows in the room, her bed sat under the one closest to the wall and under the other was her vanity and dresser. She always enjoyed natural light and I would often find her on her bed reading or at her vanity stool, just staring out the window. The floors were covered with a soft brown carpet, that she never let me step on with my shoes or dirty feet. Mom loved nature and would always have flowers and herds growing on her windowsill and balcony.

When I entered her room I noticed that the normally neat and made bed was now untidy and unmade. Her curtains were drawn but the windows were closed and the plants that once littered her windowsill was now scattered in bits and pieces all over her floor. Her normally clear vanity was covered in jars, make up and some other beauty accessories.

I sniffed the air and I immediately covered my nose. The air was filled with a smell that was similar to metal. How I didn't notice it earlier was a complete mystery to me.

'Mom' I called again as I walked towards her ensuite bathroom.

I pushed open the door and I found that the bathroom was in a similar state that her room was.

The cupboards contents were all packed out and on the counter, towels and cloths littered the floor and the shower door looked like it had been kicked in.

'What in the world was she doing while I was gone?' I mumbled as I backed out of the bathroom and made my way out of her room.

I stepped into the hallway as my worrying only worsen when I noticed a trail of blood leading from the guest bathroom to the study.

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