Oh, Captains mad.

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{Hey guys.
This chapter has been edited due to somethings not making sense or grammar was incorrect as well as spelling mistakes have been corrected to the best of my abilities.}
Hello people😀
I'm starting a new story that I'm afraid will be a bit late in publishing😢
Anyways once it is published I hope you guys will go check it out and hopefully you guys will like it😉
Anyways enjoy chapter 14. 😆

(___)'s POV

This morning I woke up feeling groggy and in a unfamiliar place that caused me panic. But before I went into full on panic mode memories of yesterday came flooding back.

'What the hell?' I muttered as I ran my fingers through my hair.

My body felt sore and stiff as I climbed out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. After stripping my pajamas off, filling the bath with water and bubbles I climbed in and let my body relax.

I had thought of several scenarios about how my day was gonna go while I washed myself.

One scenario included the entire crew hating me and voting me out. Another was that they all had my name on their kill lists. And another was that they would do anything to make my life a living hell while I stayed here.

I let out a sigh as I rinsed myself. My musings interrupted by a knock on my room door.

'(___)-chan? It's Bepo, may I come in?' The bear asked through the door.

'Yeah! It's open!' I shouted from my place in the bath.

The bear poked his head into the room. '(___)-chan?'

'Bathroom!' I yelled shamelessly, waving at the bear through the open door.

Bepo fully entered the room before closing the door and walked into the bathroom where I sat under the mountain of bubbles I had created.

'Morning' the fluffy bear greeted as he entered.

'Morning, Bepo-chan' I flashed him a small smile. 'You need something?'

'No' he shook his head sightly. 'Captain had asked me to call you for breakfast'.

'Sure, could you please pass me my towel?' I pointed to the towel rack next to him and he passed it with no complaints. 'Thanks, Bepo-chan'.

'I'm sorry (___)-chan' he said as a deppressed wave fell over him and i sweatdropped.

'N-no, it's alright Bepo-chan' I stuttered as I climbed out of the bath and onto the plush rug that protected my feet from the cold tiled floor. 'Why you apologising now?' I smiled at the bear as I tugged at his sleeve, gaining his attention.

'Captain, had ask me to call you an hour ago but I didn't know if you were sleeping or not so I was hesitant to knock! I'm sorry!' The bear was on all fours as he sob.

I sweatdropped again and turned away from the bear to quickly pulled out some clothes that wouldn't show off my private areas, unlike yesterday. 'I wonder if Trafalgar is mad that I'm an hour late'. I turned to look at the depressed mass that was Bepo. 'Maybe he will be, that's why his so depressed...' I shook my head free of any more thoughts and continued getting dressed.

Once I was done lacing up my shoes I walked over to Bepo, bent down at the waist and tapped his shoulder. 'Let's go Bepo-chan' i said as I held out my hand for him to take.

The poor bear had an endless stream of snot and tears running down his face as he looked up at me. After a few seconds of sniffing and wiping his tears away with his sleeve he finally took my hand and while his white fur cheeks held a small tint of red, after I had smiled at him, we headed out the door hand in hand.

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