Captain's Word Is Law.

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{Hey guys.
This chapter has been edited due to somethings not making sense or grammar was incorrectly written.}
Hey people😎
Happy September😄
Hope you guys had an awesome August.
Anyways please read my new story Summer and Winter. You can find it on my profile if you wanna.
Song: Warrior
Artist: Nightstep
Chapter 15.😉

Law's POV

After Bepo, Rui and (___) left the gallery I looked up again to see every member of my crew sweating and shaking from fear as to what I might've done next.

That was understandable since everyone was still inside of my 'Room'.

My gaze swept across the gallery from one crew member to the next as my mood had thoroughly been ruined.

That day I had planned on talking a bit more to (___) about her weapons and what other chemicals she used. The reason behind it was because if something had gone wrong then I could have some kind of back up plan in place. I honestly was looking forward to having a conversation with her that morning over breakfast or even after would have been fine.

But no.

Everyone just had to start chaos and mess up everything for me and my plans for a peaceful morning with our newest crew member. I'm not gonna say I was angry. I was borderline bloodthirsty and ready to kill someone at this point.

But I had to repress that feeling, they were my subordinates after all.

'Does anyone want to explain to me how this happened?' My voice practically dripped with anger as it echoed across the gallery.

No one moved, flinched or even blink as my eyes landed on the area of the gallery where several of my main and assistant mechanics stood. They all gulped as I raised my hand(palm down) and pointed it in their direction.

'Penguin-ya. Shachi-ya' I scanned the two men as they quivered next to each other.

'Aye Captain!' The two stood up straight as the saluted me.

'What happened here?' I asked and they flinched at my tone.

'W-well, Captain when most of us had already arrived for breakfast the conversation turned to (___)-chan while we waited for everyone else' Shachi started.

'Some of us kinda like her since we've had a chance to talk with her but after yesterday those of us who haven't had a chance don't really like her that much' Penguin added.

'After some arguing and yelling the conversation turned violent. It went from pushing and mock punches to throwing oat meal and apple slices and that's how everything ended as it is now' Shachi gulped as he finished explaining.

The room fell silent again after the two mechanics finished explaining. The atmosphere was filled with tension and it intensified when opened my mouth to speak.

'Those of you who dislike (___)-ya for what she did yesterday stand on the right hand side of me. I will listen to your reasons now' I announced.

Several of my crew members moved to my right as the rest automatically moved to my left. I noticed those who stood on my left were Shachi, Penguin, Jean Bart, Hibiki, Ren, Caleb, Leo, Ben, Sid, Henry and four others. All of them have heard of or seen and talked with (___) themselves so that was understandable as to why they supported the idea of her being a member of the crew. To my right were the crewmates who haven't talked with (___) and officially met her face-to-face.

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