Play fights and Dating.

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{Hey guys.
This chapter has been edited due to incorrect grammar and spelling as well as somethings not making as much sense as they should.}
Hello there!
I hope everyone is doing well this marvelous day/night and I sincerely wish everyone who is celebrating a happy Halloween and that you enjoy yourselves to the fullest.
Anyways enjoy.
Chapter 41.

Etsuko's POV

'How much more time do we have before the fight?' I inquired by Shoma as we both walked aimlessly through an abandoned street.

'Well, from the position of the sun I'd say there's about a little over an hour before sun set' he speculated, squinting his eyes as he looks at the slowly falling sun.

I hummed as I clasped my hands behind my back, knitting my fingers together. 'I hope they both get the results they want'.

'What does that mean?' Shoma asked as he turned his gaze back to me.

I shook my head, dismissing his question by changing the topic. 'Just thinking out loud. Let's start heading that way. I wanna be there before it starts so I can watch Minori-oneechan and Chie-oneechan set up for tonight'.

'Okay but what do they need to set up?' he asked, his voice curious and his eyes inquisitive.

'Well, it's gonna get pretty dark as their fight progresses so they wanna make sure that everyone sees what's happening so they don't blame anyone for cheating. It's only fair that everyone sees because their future depends on it in some kind of way' I explained as we walked out of the town and into the forest, the sound of leaves crunching under our shoes echoing.

'I guess you're right' he stated before we fell into a comfortable silence, the conversation suddenly losing interest from the both of us.

As we neared the clearing where the fight would be taking place Shoma suddenly asked me a question that I honestly was not prepared to answer.

'Etsuko, why do they call you "The Face of Madness"?'

The internal shock of the question caused my body to freeze, my legs buckling underneath me, causing me to trip over my own two feet quite literally. I fell forward, my face coming into contact with the ground with a very unforgiving force. I groaned as I rolled onto my back as Shoma kneeled down next to me.

'Are you okay? You didn't hurt yourself did you? Do I need to take you to Ryuu or Captain?' He fussed, his eyes scanning my body for any new cuts or bruises.

I sighed as I sat up before pulling my legs to my chest. 'I'm fine, Shoma. I didn't have a heart attack or a fit. I just tripped'.

He seemed to take my statement as I sign that I was okay but the worry never left his eyes. He rubbed the back of his head as he looked away from me. 'I'm sorry I asked you such a personal question but it's just been something on my mind lately. I'm sorry if I'm prying where I shouldn't. Just forget I ever asked'.

I watched him as he looked away from me, his eyes filling with regret as his face took on a deep frown. 'Don't look so down. It's okay and I don't mind telling you. But it's just the fact that I wasn't prepared to tell you really. It's not something I'm exactly proud to have inherited from my mother'.

'I'm still sorry. I just strung the question on you and I had no right to'.

Shoma was such a gentlemen. Even since the first day we met his always treated me and the others with such respect. And even if I had only met him a month ago it really didn't take long for me to develop a crush on him.

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