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Hey guys!
I hope you had an awesome September and if you didn't then I hope October will be a lot better!
Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter.
Chapter 39.

Law's POV

I watched from the shadows as Takashi-ya was placed into the dire situation he had brought onto himself. I honestly did not want to step in.

'Takashi, I think (___) had given you a fair warning. So out of your own best interest it would be wise to let Etsuko go' said Chie as she pressed her scythe against the skin of his neck, drawing a few drops of blood.

Takashi sweatdropped as a nervous grimace appeared on his face. 'You women really are trying your luck. First this little brat decides she wants to ruin the last four years of my life in a few seconds and then you three wanna threaten me in front of people who have the same views as I do. Don't you think that's pushing it?'

'Don't bring the crew into this because whatever is going on between you and the ladies. That's all on you' Rui said, crossing his arms over his chest before sending a glare towards Takashi.

'We're with Rui on this. You're overreacting and from the position you're in no one can help you' Penguin said as few others moved behind Rui and himself.

'You idiots are only saying that because you're not thinking with your brains but with you boners. All these women are just deck decor and I'm pretty sure Captain wouldn't of taken them aboard if he thought anything but that. After all he would never do something that stupid' said Fumio as he and a few others gathered on the opposite side of the gallery.

Fumio could be described as a type of idiotic scholar since he constantly had his nose stuck in a book as well as his inability to not argue with everyone. He was a vulgar man who stood at 6'2 feet tall with a fair complexion, brown eyes and long jet black hair that was kept out of his face by a very loose scrunchy/hair tie (Whatever you call that thing you use to tie your hair up). His rectangular glasses framed his oval shaped face that had a scar running across the bridge of his nose.

I raised a brow at his statement as I felt a bit insulted considering the fact that I had grown fond of each of the women who had taken up residence on the Sub. All of them had earn my respect in their own way and I had brought them onto the Sub because they had all impressed me with their personalities and skill sets.

Especially (___).

'Damn I wish I had time machine to go back to that kiss' I thought, eyeing (___) and the way she had held her gun.

It was such a turn on.

'Ha! Says the guy that made the peeking schedule when (___) had first arrived' said Ryuu, as a small trickle of blood travelled down around his mouth and down his chin.

'Perverts!' Yelled all of the females in unison as Fumio glared at Ryuu for exposing him.

'How does that even work?' Minori asked as she looked at Ryuu.

'Well it was too risky for the whole crew to peek on her at the same time so I divided up the crew and the days of the week so that it was more organised and lowered our chances of getting caught' explained Fumio as he adjusted his glasses.

'I don't know whether to be impressed or disgusted' stated (___).

'Putting that aside for now we still have this predicament. Takashi wants to kill Etsuko and it appears that the crew has devided itself into two. The majority had decided to stand behind Rui and his views towards us and the rest choose to stand behind Takashi with his hatred and disregard for the actual value of a woman. Now I do believe it is your job to resolve this, is it not Captain?' Chie asked as she turned her gaze to where I stood.

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