Hairdryers and Laughter.

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{Hey guys.
This chapter has been edited due to incorrect grammar and spelling as well as somethings not making as much sense as they should.}
Hey there 😊
Thanks to everyone who have read, voted and/or commented on my story. I really do appreciate it.😊
Anyways here's chapter 25.😁

Law's POV

As soon as I knew (___) and Bepo were out of earshot I started snickering.

Everyone was confused until I couldn't keep my composure anymore and bursted out laughing. Everyone sweatdropped but relaxed nonetheless. I composed myself once again before I took a seat in one of the plush chairs.

'Everyone please sober up enough so that I can relay our plans for tonight to you' I propped my elbow onto the armrest and leaned my head to the side so that it rested on my knuckles.

Everyone gathered around me while pulling themselves together. Especially Penguin and Shachi who were still semi-naked.

'If I may ask Captain, what's happening tonight?' Asked Ren.

'We're stealing something back that was taken from (___)-ya' was my plain answer and I could feel the distaste growing in the room already.

'We're getting the Maidens Axe back, Captain?' Asked Yori.

'You know of it?' I raised a brow as he adjusted his mask.

'(___)-chan had explained to us what it was and the history behind it but she didn't really give any others details besides that' he shrugged.

I hummed making a mental note about finding out what's under that mask of his. (Note: none of the crew has ever seen his face. Even Law)

'So what's the plan of action Captain?' Asked Takashi.

'I'm afraid that it's (___)-ya's job to come up with one since she's familiar with the island and the person who stole it' I leaned back in my seat.

I could feel Takashi's anger building and I was ready to shut him up but an unfamiliar voice cut me off.

'Thats not a bad idea, Mister Pirate-san. She is very skilled when it comes to planning and tactics'.

I looked to my side to see a man who looked to be in his mid-fourties with dark brown hair and green and brown eyes. I cocked a brow.

'And who might you be?'

He smiled. 'Oh, how rude of me. I'm Shinji. The owner of this Inn and one (___)'s business partners'. He stuck out his hand for me to shake.

I took it and gave it a curt shack before letting go again. 'And how would you know such information?'

'Well, me and her mother use to be drinking buddies. Whenever they came here, her mother always insisted on confiding in me about her problems. One of her biggest problems were training (___) how to defend herself physically'.

He walked over to a cabinet where he pulled open a drawer and took out a picture before walking back and handing it to me.

I scanned over the picture and it perked my interests a bit.

A women who looked like an older version of (___) stood with the brightest smile on while she held a bottle of Sake. Next to her was a much younger version of Shinji who also had his own bottle. I smiled inwardly as I thought about how alike (___) and her mother's smiles were.

'How was training (___)-ya combat skills a problem? Was she having difficulty learning or was there other difficulties?' I handed him back the picture.

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