Knock Knock.

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{Hey guys.
This chapter has been edited due to incorrect grammar and spelling as well as somethings not making as much sense as they should.}
Hey there people.😆
Many a thanks to those of you who actually read this crap.😘
Anyways, happy reading and what not.😝
Chapter 31.😲

(___)'s POV

'There they are!' I yelled to Etsuko as I spotted Minori and Chie standing in the middle of the chaos.

'Minori-oneechan! Chie-oneechan!' Etsuko yelled excitedly as ran ahead of me.

The teen practically jumping on them as she wrapped her arms around the necks, bringing them into a group hug.

'Hey there, Freckles' Minori chuckled as she ruffled the younger girls hair.

Chie just rolled her eyes but smiled and returned the hug nevertheless.

'Good to see that she's just as energetic as always' I said as stop in front of them.

'And it's good to see you, old friend' Chie said as she let go of Etsuko and wrapped her arms around me in a very brief embrace before letting go.

'Likewise, I heard you're here to kidnap someone' I said, leaning to right to avoid a stray bullet.

'Yeah, the groom is one stupid piece of shit if he thinks he can get away with what he did to the Kinhell Family. I mean they're decent people, even if they are nobles, but decent people nevertheless' declared Minori as she detached her spear from her back.

I agreed with her.

'The family would be cowering in the Mayor's study by now' stated Chie before she unclipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor to reveal a much shorter and lighter one.

'Where's your scythe?' I asked as I spotted Yori having trouble with one of the family's bodyguards.

'It's under the bar' she explained as she tied her hair into a high ponytail.

The guy was at least thrice his size and was swinging a mace around. Yori was quicker but the big guy was corning him fast and if he wasn't empty handed Yori could've done something.

'Alright ladies' I pulled out my gun and took aim. 'Here's the plan' I said as I pulled the trigger.

The bullet flew straight threw the big guy's head. When he was about to land on Yori, he ducked and rolled before he was trapped under the guy's massive body. He turned towards me and gave me a thumbs up before he got up and ran.

'We do what we came here to do. I'm here for a weapon and the Mayor's head while you guys are here to get that son of a bitch groom. Me and Chie will head to Mayor's office while Minori and Etsuko stay here and keep all the guards busy with Trafalgar's crew' I pointed behind me and the all looked to watch the crew beat down the guards.

'Did you say Trafalgar? As in Trafalgar Law? The Captain of the Heart Pirates, infamously known as the "Surgeon of Death"?' Chie asked in disbelief.

'Yeah, that one' I deadpanned as I checked how many bullets I had left in my magazines.

'You're a pirate now?' She asked as she raised a brow.

'Unfortunately' I shrugged as I shot two more guards who were about to attack Shachi and Penguin from behind. 'Watch your backs boys!' I yelled to anyone who was listening.

'I'm not gonna ask why because I know we don't have time for that explanation' she said as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

'Right' I said before shooting two more guards, just for the fun of it.

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