Welcome To The Heart Pirates

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Hey there 😊
A million and one thanks to those of you who have read my story so far and have gotten it to over 4k views 😱😲
Anyways thank you so much for your support😆😊
Wolf in sheep's clothing by Set it off.
Enjoy chapter 16.😜

(___)'s POV

I was so into what I was doing that I had not even realised the time flying by. I had worked from the morning, all through afternoon and well into the evening. I looked up from what I was doing maybe once or twice when I someone else was there but after a quick wave or a smile I went back to what I was doing.

I had only realised how tired, hungry and dirty I was after I had actually stopped and looked at myself. I was covered in dust, oil and grease, I had even managed to get some into my hair.

I had taken off my jacket sometime during the day so that was the only clean item of clothing I had on me at that moment. I left it in the loading bag, since everything I touch was instantly covered in dirt, and headed for my room. I was hoping I could grab a shower before I took a really long soak in the bath.

As I walk to my room I felt all the aches and pains that came with working all day. I stretched my arms up and after hearing a satisfying pop from my back I lowered them again.

'....wonder if...biggest I've ever...'

I suddenly heard parts of someone's conversation as I approached my room.

'Yeah I guess that's....but it's because...' I heard someone else reply.

Listening more carefully I figure that it was Shachi and Penguin's voices that I was hearing. I rounded the corner, only to be greeted by a hard yet warm surface causing me to fall on my but.

'Oww!' I yelled as I rubbed my now sore behind.

'I'm so sorry (___)-chan!' I looked up to see Shachi's concerned eyes, well glasses anyways.

'Are you okay?' Penguin said as he helped me up.

'I'm fine, thanks' I looked at Shachi's uniform and cringed. 'Sorry about that. Cold water and soap should get that out' I pointed to his chest where the grease from my shoulder had wiped off.

He looked down and waved his hand in a dismissive manner. 'No it's fine. It's my fault anyway'.

'How did you get that much dirt on you anyways?' Penguin asked.

'I've been cleaning, assembling and servicing my guns the entire day. Plus, I was inspecting my sub when I noticed that my propeller had a massive crack on one of the three blades' I explained when I started for my room again.

'Is it fixable?' Shachi asked as he and Penguin followed.

'I've already fixed it so that won't be a problem' I sighed. 'But a girl gets tired after assembling and servicing over 40 guns and weapons, so I am beat' I said as I opened my room door.

'Well, dinners in like 10 minutes so if you wanna shower then we'll tell Captain you're gonna be a bit late' said Penguin.

'Really? That would be awesome of you guys. I'm starving' I smiled at them as they stood in my doorway.

'Don't mention it' the said in unison as they rubbed the back of their heads with a pink hues across their faces.

'Thanks guys' and with that I closed my door, locked it and headed for the shower.

(Time skip. After you showered and dressed)

I made my way down the hallway in a pair of denim shorts, just in case, a black flannel shirt rolled up to my elbows over a white tank top and sneakers with the determination of filling the hole that had made its way into my stomach. I had skipped breakfast and lunch so I was probably feeling the withdrawal symptoms of not having food for the entire day. Walking into the gallery and finding everyone that I knew was easy, since I had spotted the polar and spotted hat wearing Captain first.

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