Underground lakes and glow worms

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Hey guys!
So this chapter has been edited quite a bit but don't panic because all that I did was change some of the the major grammar mistakes and changed anything that didn't seem to make sense or fit in.
Anyways I hope you enjoy this the second time around if you do plan on reading it again but if this is your first time reading this story then welcome and I hope you'll stay with me until the end.

Third person's POV

(___) walked along the hallway of the cave she had found a few years back. It was damp and the slight breeze that passed through cooled her heated skin. She had stumbled upon it when she was searching for shelter from a storm one afternoon.

What she had discovered was absolutely breathtaking.


It was during one of the biggest storms of the year when (___) had decided that that day was the day she was going to test out her mini submarine against the currents of the ocean. After trials and errors inside of a large lake she had official declared it ready to be tested against mother nature's strongest force.

She was so excited that day to see if her mini sub could handle the currents of the ocean when she had forgotten to check the bloody weather. Before she even noticed the violent storm approaching (___) had already launched her sub and set off. By the time she had noticed the major change in  the currents she was too far away from her home island to turn back. She had desperately tried turning around but the storm threw her little sub around, with her still inside, further and further away from her home island.

She desperately needed to get to land. Somehow in her panic she had looked at the sonar she installed to see how far she was from the nearest island.

(___) may had been pushed quite a distance from her island but the storm had given her grace by pushing her towards another and she had no choice but to let the current push her the rest of the way. She kept her course steady and continued to follow the current towards the next island.

When she arrived she quickly landed her sub ashore and sercured it. It was (f/c) and had a [(f/animal) or (f/bug)] painted on the back fin. The (c/h) girl quickly heading off looking for shelter and maybe something to eat since she didn't have lunch that afternoon. She had been so caught up with her sub she didn't even give food a second thought.

(___) didn't really think that she would be caught up in the storm either, so she didn't really bring anything with her.

The rain and the wind were luckily very forgiving as she still could see in front of her. She had been walking for a few minutes, finding a banana tree on the way, when she had seen light coming from a cave opening.

She entered the cave where she had seen the light coming from and, taking a risk, she walked deeper inside of it.

'Atleast I found some shelter and food. Now I just have to wait for the storm to pass', she had thought to herself.

Once she could no longer hear the patter of the rain outside she had noticed that the cave was lined with glow worms. When (___) had first laid eyes on them she had thought that they were absolutely gorgeous. As she walked on more and more of them started appearing on the walls.

The cave came alive with their natural glow.

As she walked deeper into the cave she took note of how unusually bright it was at the end for such a dim cave, even with the glow worms. Curiosity got the better of her and she headed towards the bright light.

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