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Hey there.
Hope y'all are doing good and all that jazz if not I hope it gets better.
Enjoy this nevertheless.
Chapter 57.

(___)'s POV

I sighed as I relaxed against Law. The heat radiating off of his sleeping form had me snuggling closer, my head resting on his chest as his arm wrapped around my waist.

He definitely had too much to drink as soon as he walked into the room he had passed out, nearly falling face first to the floor if I hadn't been there to catch him. It had been a hassle to get the considerably taller man undressed and into bed in his unconscious state but I managed, somehow.

After making sure he was tucked in and comfortable I stripped and showered, washing all the sweat and liquor off my skin. Feeling refreshed I dried my hair and slipped on his hoody, climbing in next to him and curling up.

But sleep never came.

I felt uneasy, like I was missing something or I needed something. I didn't know if I had finally managed to get myself drunk but the nagging feeling I had in my gut was definitely telling me something.

I sighed through my nose, outlining the tattoos on Law's chest with my index finger as I did. 'Maybe I'm just crazy'.

'I wouldn't call you crazy but that word works too'.

I looked up the ravenette, his grey eyes shining and his lips pulled into a lazy smirk. 'You're looking for trouble mister'.

He raised his shoulders, pulling me further up on his chest to plant a kiss on my forehead. 'I like being in trouble with you. If I get to see you in an outfit like the one you had on earlier then I would gladly make you mad'.

I lightly slapped his arm, earning a chuckle from Law. 'That was not funny. I was freezing and it took you all to get completely wasted in order for you to realise what we all wanted'.

He ran his hand up and down my back, drawing circles when he got closer to my lower back. 'What did you want?'

I sat up, straddling his waist as he placed his hands on my waist. 'We want you guys to trust us. We just wanted to go out and give Etsuko a proper 18th birthday and there you guys were, treating us like we're a bunch of unfaithful partners. It hurt and we wanted to get you back so we did, in the worst possible way we could think of'.

He stopped rubbing his thumb over the covered skin of my hip to stare at me, his grey eyes a swirl of emotions. 'You wanted us to think you guys were going to leave us'.

I nodded. 'We trust you guys and it really stung to know you didn't trust us'.

He sat up, crossing his legs with me still in his lap. 'I'm sorry (___)-ya. If I had known that my actions and words affected you that way I wouldn't have been so harsh'.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. 'Of course you words and opinions affect me. You're not only my Captain but my boyfriend as well. No matter what you say I have to listen and take your words into consideration because that's what couples do for each other, Law'.

He rested his head against my shoulder, something he did normally when he feels bad or tired. 'I'm sorry, (___)-ya. This is the first relationship I've had that had actually lasted more than a day. Normally, before I met you, being with a woman was a means of getting rid of tension or just purely for fun. Nothing serious or lasting'.

I snorted. 'So you're a one night stand kind of guy? Is that how it's going to be with me?'

His body went rigged, his grip on my waist growing taut. 'If you think I'm going to be letting you out of my sight in this life or the next: you're dead wrong'.

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