Spoke To Soon.

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Hey there.
I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying life so far.
Anyways a SUPER thanks going out to everyone who had helped me achieve over 74k views and I'm so glad to have you all here supporting me and my story.
Thank you once again and enjoy.
Chapter 58.

(___)'s POV

'AAHHH! THIS WAS NOT PART OF THE PLAN!' Etsuko yelled, her limbs a blur as she ran.

The four of us sprinted down the beach as several different kinds of large animals chased after us. Our original plan was to find Shiko and get off the island, nothing more, but life had decided to throw us a curve ball and as soon as we got deep enough into the jungle the creatures residing there showed up to give us our welcoming work out.

'Would you shut up!' I yelled, turning on my heel and throwing a grenade at the incoming animals.

It stun them but as soon as the dust cleared they were on us again.

I cursed pulling out my gun and opening fire. 'Split up. We'll meet back at the Sub in an hour!'

'Aye!' They yelled, running off into different directions.

Switching normal bullets for explosives I kept firing, aiming for vitals and eyes to slow them down or finish them. The largest of the beasts tripped over his fallen comrade, a large yellow pig of soughts, before it came tumbling towards me.

I stepped aside, the fur of the large six legged lion barely touching me as he slid passed, ducking when his tail wiped out. I reloaded, letting my empty magazine fall to the ground. 'You know I really didn't want to do this and I'm kinda in a hurry so if you all could leave to lick your wounds I would appreciate it'.

The large lion got to its feet, shaking itself off before roaring very angrily at me.

'I guess that's a no' I said, slipping my guns back into their holsters before raising my fists and taking a fighting stance. 'Here kitty, kitty!'

He charged, claws out and teeth bared, ready to claw me to death and eat me.

'Sorry bud' I said, jumping up and drop kicking the lion straight on its head.

He dropped, blood decorating the tops of its head as tiny stars and fish danced around his head. He was out for the count as his friends turned tail and ran.

I sighed, loud and long. 'No loyalty amongst wild creatures, huh?'

'No, but then again not any humans know what "loyalty" is either'.

I snorted, turning towards the tall blonde bombshell with a rather large hammer resting on her shoulder. 'Long time no see, Shiko'.

She smiled, her tanned skin and silver eyes just as dazzling as the last time I had laid my eyes on her. '(___)-sama. I see you've grown into a fine woman your mother would be proud of'.

I blushed, thinking if my mother saw me today she would most likely embarrass me on the constant. 'Thank you. You don't look to bad yourself'.

The black leather bikini top and shorts hid nothing as the belt she wore held a variety of knives and poisons she kept by her side. Her armbands and chocker were engraved with the images of waves with blue paint smeared over, giving the image a realistic look. Shiko's ears were pierced multiple times and the left side of her head had been shaved, putting the arrangement of studs on display.

She laughed, her shoulders bouncing with the sound. 'I see all of you have strayed from tradition, again'.

I shrugged, falling into step with the taller woman as she led me through the forest. 'Shiko, you know tradition no longer has a place in this day and age. Not to say that you shouldn't but if I were to then what little people I have left will die in some senseless fight to regain what little we had in the first place'.

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