The unmentioned.

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Hey there beautiful people.
Hope life is going well and stuff.
Anyways huge thanks for the increase in readings lately and I'm SUPER grateful to you guys.
Chapter 52.

Minori's POV

'What do you mean she's not in his office?!'

I shot up and out of bed only to land face first on the floor as Chie's early morning screaming had me on high alert. I groaned as I sat up, rubbing the back of my head when Etsuko came barreling out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel. 'What's going on?'

We all turned towards Penguin who stuttered and blushed.

' I went to give Captain his morning coffee he never answered when I knocked on his office door. So, me thinking he fell asleep at his desk again, opened the door and no one was there. Not even (___)-chan'.

It was silent for a few seconds as we all processed what he had said.

I sighed as I stood up from the floor and crossed my arms over my chest. 'She probably woke up yesterday or last night. They're probably in his room'.

'Actually they're not. The entire crew has been looking all over the place for them and it seems like they just vanished' Penguin said as he scratched his cheek.

Chie's brows came together. 'That's not possible. (___)'s Sub has been dock the entire night and we're currently 50 clicks south of the nearest island. They must be on the Sub'.

'Not according everyone else'. Penguin moved out the way as Shachi leaned on the door frame. 'Ryuu said that Captain told him to stay away from (___) because he wanted to over see her progress himself so he hasn't been near Captain's office in a while. Other than him there's no one else who has had contact with either of them since (___) got back'.

Chie grabbed her coat from the hook near the door. 'Did you check the video from last night? There's transponder snails lined from the front of his office all the way to his room. No matter what route they took we would've caught them on tape'.

'Jean's been going through it. I thought it would be best for you to come look too' Shachi said, moving out the way for Chie to pass the doorway.

'Thanks. Etsuko put on some clothes you're gonna catch a cold' Chie scolded as she grabbed the door handle and pulled it shut.

Etsuko grumbled but got dressed nevertheless as I walked over to my trunk. 'Do you think (___)-oneechan and Captain-oniesan are okey?'

I slipped off my tank top. 'They're fine. We have no idea where they are but we know Captain won't let anything happen to (___) while she's injured, that's for sure'.

She hummed as she laced up her boots. 'I hope I find a love like their's'.

I zipped up my uniform all the way up, my wild curly hair getting tucked halfway inside of a large brown beanie.

'I'll see you later, Minori-oneechan'.

I nodded my head as Etsuko left for the boiler room, she headed there earlier so she would've probably caught Shoma getting off the night shift. I was busy tidying up when Etsuko's words came back to me.

'I hope I find a love like their's'.

When I thought about it (___) never mentioned anything about being in love with Law and likewise with the raven.

Were they confused? Unsure of their feelings? Were they leading each other on just for personal gain? Or were they actually in love and neither of them had realised it yet?

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