Mighty Mouse.

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{Hey guys.
This chapter has been edited due to somethings not making sense or spelling errors have been corrected.}
It's June which means the year is just flying past us.
To all those who don't realise how fast the time is going get off your ass and do something for a change.
Anyways enjoy chapter 9.😙

(___)'s POV

As me and Trafalgar walked through the corridors of the Sub my nose picked up a strange scent. It wasn't unfamiliar just weird smelling.

'Captain, do you smell that?' I asked, breaking the silence we had fallen into.

'What exactly are you smelling (___)-ya? Because I'm not smelling anything unusual right now' Trafalgar bluntly stated as we walked on.

'It's smells like...' I shook my head slightly. 'I don't know, it just smells odd to me. I'll probably figure it out later' I shrugged the thought off.

This earned me a raised brow from Trafalgar.

'And how will you know it's the same smell or not?' He glanced down at me from where he walked.

'I have a really sensitive nose so everything I smell will be really intense on my nose. So if I smell say a really strong perfume from a normal sized bottle and it catches my nose then it will be like being trapped in the factory that makes the same perfume for someone else who has a normal sense of smell' I finished my explanation by tapping my nose lightly.

'I see' was all he said.

'So are you the one who's gonna give me the tour of my new home or will it someone else?' I questioned as I placed my hands behind my back.

'We'll see when we get to the gallery' Trafalgar pointed to the double doors at the end of the corridor we were in.

'Okay' I said as I smiled and faced forward again, readying myself to meet the people who I would be spending my time with from then on.

We arrived at the door of the gallery where a busy and chatty noise came from. Trafalgar pushed the door open before ushering me inside.

The noise suddenly stopped.

The sound of absolute silence was all you heard. No spoke as their Captain scanned the gallery with steady stormy grey eyes.

I just stood there as I felt like twenty different pairs of eyes stare into my soul as I shifted from one foot to the other feeling, suddenly very uncomfortable.

'Afternoon everyone, as you all probably know by now we have a new crew mate joining us today, (___)-ya' he gestured me to stand next to him and so I did. 'She will be in charge of the armoury and supplying as well as making weapons for the crew' he placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

'It's nice to meet you all' I smiled at the people before me, or should I say like over twenty guys and Bepo.

Before I could even saying anything further I was surrounded by a mob a blushing guys who kept firing questions off at me.

Trafalgar suddenly just....gone.

'That ass he left me to the wolves' I thought as I smiled at my new crew mates.

'What kind of weapons do you make?'

'Do you have a boyfriend?'

'What else can you build?'

'Is that your natural look?'

'How old are you?'

'What did you do before joining?'

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