Looking For You.

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Hey guys.
I hope everyone is doing well this June and I wish you all luck with the next half of the year.
Song: Shape of you by Ed Sheeran.
Anyways enjoy.
Chapter 55.

Minori's POV

I sighed as I closed yet another romance novel, the ending just as happy as the last one but just as daunting. Standing up from my seat I recollected the books that I had been reading over the past few hours and placed them back on their respective shelves. Sighing again as I leaned my head against the shelf.

'Damn, a sad woman. What should I do?'

'Fuck off Takashi'.

The ass raised his hands in the air. 'Sorry for showing some sympathy'.

I snorted. 'Sure, that's what you're doing'. I walked away from him, my mood was already hitting rock bottom and I didn't need some douche making me feel worse.

He smirked, the feeling of his eyes on me making the hairs on the back of my hair stand. 'If you say so but don't come crying to me just because no one wants your-'

My spear was at his throat in that second. 'You want to finish that now or after your head rolls?'

He sweated profusely as the tip dug into his skin, drawing blood in the process. 'I'd like to keep my head'.

I lowered my weapon. 'Say anything like that again and it'll be more than just a knic'. I left the Archive as Takashi fell to his knees, Henry came to help him up but his help was rejected as his hands landed on the sweating male.

Sucking my teeth I headed to my room. I needed to blow off some steam since meditation wasn't going to help calm me down anytime soon. Once inside, I changed out of my uniform into a pair of black and cream shorts paired with a matching zip up sports bra.

Taking a towel and water bottle with me I headed for the training room with one of my lighter spears.

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I stretched my arms above my head as I entered the training room where a very sweaty and red Shachi was punching away at a much abused punching bag. Resting my spear against the nearest wall I kicked off my shoes and begun to stretch. I had pulled way too many muscles while training and the best option was to warm them up first-hand.

Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes as I bent backwards until my hands touched the ground. Straightening and bending my arms I left a familiar burning sensation in my stomach and arms after a few minutes. Straightening out my body again I spreaded my legs apart until I was on the floor, my legs on either side of me, completely straight. Keeping my hands together in above me I stayed like that for a few minutes before planting my forearms on the mat in front of me and leaning forward.

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