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Hey guys.
Huge thank going out to you guys as I never thought that this fanfic would've gotten this far and it's all thanks you guys. With the funny and supporting comments, the views and the votes I'm so glad I'm part of the Wattpad community.
Chapter 51.

Trafalgar's POV

I stared down at (___) for what felt like forever as her words rang through my head.

'Join me?'

I so badly wanted to say yes but I knew that was an incredibly risky idea. I knew I wouldn't be able to control myself and one thing would lead to the next and before we knew it we had other problems on our hands.

She looked away as her cheeks flushed, the same thoughts probably going through her head. 'I know it's a crazy request but you and I could both use it. And I'm gonna need your help me...'

I took her face in between my hands, turning her gaze back towards me as I ran my thumb across her cheek. 'I'll help you but it would best if we washed separately. Despite how much I want to, it could be a dangerous idea'.

She nodded her understanding before wrapping her arms around my neck.

Hooking my hands under her thighs I lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around my waist, resting her head on my shoulder. Walking out of my office I didn't bother closing the door as anyone who walked by my office nowadays only wanted to check on (___) and they were going to find out about her soon anyways.

Making it back to my room after a short walk filled with a comforting silence and the humming of (___). Walking into my room she pushed the door close with her foot as I turned to head to the bathroom.

'When last did you eat?' She asked as I set her down on my bathroom counter.

I didn't answer immediately as I knew she would be mad. Instead I opened the taps of the bath before exiting the room and coming back with a few towels, placing the towels down next to her.

She looked at me with a disapproving scowl. 'When?'

'Maybe a few days ago...'

Her frown deepens before she sighed and whacked the side of my head.

'Oi! What was-' I stopped, seeing tears well up in the corners of her eyes I looked away from her in shame. 'Sorry...'

'You could've at least taken care of yourself you moron' she said as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

I sighed, planting a kiss a top her head. 'I know and I'm sorry that I haven't been taking care of myself. I was just so worried about you. Everytime I walked pass you I felt like you were going to opened these beautiful eyes of your's and when you did I was going to lock you away before anyone else saw you just to have you all to myself'.

She snorted, rubbing her face against my chest. 'Aren't you doing that right now?'

I smirked as I tilted her head back. 'I guess I am'.

She smiled as I leaned down to connect my lips with her's in a brief kiss. 'Aren't Mister "I -really-missed-you-and-now-I'm-going-to-lock-you-up" no more-' she pushed me away '-now help me into the bath'.

I scoffed, faking innocence as I placed myself between her knees to help her remove her top.

She raised her arms with some difficulty as I brought up her top, her stomach and chest being exposed to me. Her face took a slight change a colour as she looked anywhere but me.

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