My Demons.

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{Hey guys.
This chapter contained quite a bit of mistake involving grammar and spelling, thus I have decided to edited it.
Happy August🍂
We all have demons inside.
Song: Demons
Artist: Nightcore
Oh the feels!😃😢
Enjoy chapter 13.😝😘

(___)'s POV (while Law was getting dressed)

I ran out of the kitchen into the fray of panicked Heart Pirates with my bazooka, canisters and detonators at the ready.



Waiting to strike.

My mother had taught me how to fight and stage an attack from my preteen years already as well as a set of other skills that had become quite useful to me. I had mostly utilized them to stage pranks with the kids and things like that but they were never really used them in combat, or in this case: an ambush.

'Maybe this is karma for not coming forward' someone said.

I stopped.

'No it's not!' another argued. 'It's not like we set it for her'.

'Found you assholes' I thought as I crouched down so the owners of the voices didn't see my silhouette in the smoke.

'I know it wasn't set for her!' the first voice snapped. 'But it was your fault for choosing lunch time to prank Shoma'.

'What do you mean it was my fault!? Your the one who set it!' The second voice exclaimed.

'Lovely, a pair of idiots looking for a good laugh' I thought, glaring at the two heat signatures.

I reached into my bag to pull out two black and white bandanas, tucking one into my pocket while I kept the other in my hand. Laying my bazooka quietly on the floor I made my way over to the two.

They stood back to back, looking around blindly in the thick black smoke that surrounded them. They pointlessly bickered back and forth about whose fault it was even after I had marked them as the culprits.

The two idiots only noticed after I had actually tied the bandannas around both of their wrists to what had happened.

'What the-Hey dude do you hav-'

Before the second voice could finish their question I placed the palms of my hands on their foreheads bringing the back of their heads together.


The bickering stopped as the two were instantly knocked out and they dropped to the floor.

Leaving the two for Captain to handle, I made my way over to my bazooka, placed the weapon on my shoulder again and continued forward.

Even though I had found the culprits I still felt angry. It was like a demon had taken over my body during those few minutes and I had to watch myself reek havoc.

Time seemed to slow as the demon servade the area that was the gallery. Each heat signature was trapped in time as the demon inside me walked aimlessly threw the thick smoke looking for it's next target. Once the demon had its sights on a target it took aim with my bazooka.

And she fired.

In less than a blink of a eye the demon went from one victim to another, showing no mercy and no sign of stopping either until every Heart Pirate was under the effects of my weapon. It was like I was watching someone else while I just sat by doing nothing to stop her.

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