You're Missing A Few Screws Woman.

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{Hey guys.
This chapter has been edited due to incorrect grammar and spelling as well as somethings not making as much sense as they should.}
Hey there.😊
I hope you guys are having an awesome March and that things are going your way.😌
Anyways enjoy.😊
Chapter 27.😄

(___)'s POV

I was exhausted after finishing Bepo's fur.

Not only was that tiring but wrapping him in a sheet so that he wasn't completely naked and putting him to bed was too. The bear refused to sleep anywhere but in the room that he and Captain were sharing.

The bear was like a very large and fluffy version of a child when they were tired.

Anyways, after I made sure he was sound asleep I grabbed his uniform and began my search for Mary. It didn't take to long since this was the time she usually would be walking around checking on all her guests.

When she saw me her eyes went wide and her face just said  'you look like shit' but, of course she didn't say that.

'(___) sweetheart, are you alright? You look like you've been through the worst'.

'Well, shit lady I didn't know you turned into the world's most observant person while I was at home'. I smiled politely even though my thoughts weren't as. 'No, I'm alright. It's just been an extremely long day and I still have a lot to do before the day ends'.

She smiled knowingly. 'Does it have to do with planning tonight's weapon retrieval?'

I gave her a skeptical look. ' do you know?'

'I overheard Shinji talking to your Captain and his crew about how good your tactics and planning are'.

I raised a brow. 'Really? Did he mention anything else about me?'

Her face softened and she suddenly looked older. 'He told them about your mother's concerns when she was training you'.

She was in all out 'sympathetic mode'.

'And I'm afraid Shinji is still talking to your Captain in his office. Oh, I do wish he wouldn't upset you so much. He does mean well, it's just that he tends to over share when it comes to business and pirating'.

I let out a sigh and smiled at the older woman. 'It's fine. I was gonna have to tell my Captain sooner or later about my training anyways. And for once Shinji is actually spearing me a headache'.

She giggled. 'Well I wish you luck with tonight'. She started walking away but I stopped her.

'Oh! Mary before I forget' I lifted up Bepo's boiler suit. 'Would you be able to remove the pink from this? It was originally orange'.

Mary looked it over a few times while humming in thought. 'It'll take an overnight soak to get that out but I'll make sure to have it ready by late morning'. She took it from me, said her good byes, good lucks and left.

I heaved a sign before I headed down stairs to find everyone sitting around the Inn's guest sitting room in complete silence. I walked into the room and waited a few minutes for someone to notice that I had walked in on them being depressed. I slowly crept behind Henry, who was sitting with his back to me and leaned my face close to his ear.

'Why is everyone so down?' I whispered.

Henry gave a incredibly high pitched scream, threw himself across the room before pulling out a gun and pointing it at me.

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