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Hey guys.
Hope y'all are doing well and all that.
Anyways I hope you all enjoy this.
Song: Bea Miller - S.L.U.T.
Chapter 56.

(___)'s POV

'Alright ladies! Tonight we're gonna piss off our guys and get wasted while doing it!'


The girls and I raised our glasses, earning shouts of encouragement from the tables all around us. We had come out to celebrate Etsuko's 18th birthday and, of course, we took her out for a night on the town filled with drinks, dancing and making our guys insane with the outfits we had walked off the Sub with.

How do they expect us to have a good time if we're wearing oversized clothing that covered everything?

So instead of the cute cocktail dresses we were going to leave in we decided to be spiteful and change into short skirts and tops that barely covered anything.

That really ruffled their feathers.

'To the best girls night ever!' Minori yelled, downing her drink in one go before waving our waiter over for another.

'Do you think they'll ever find out that we know they're watching us?' Etsuko asked as she leaned closer to me, her liquor induced smile spreading from ear to ear.

I took a slow sip from my drink, enjoying the lingering grey eyes that burned into the back of my head. I knew was I playing with fire when I chose to wear that outfit but lately Law and myself hadn't been speading as much time as we used to. So I, feeling like a rabbit in heat, decided that in order for him to notice me I would give him something to notice.

And I guess it was working as every guy that came up to me had disappeared after a flash of blue light.

'They probably do but I don't really care right now sugar' I yelled over the music before draining the rest of my drink. Slamming my glass down on the table I shock up from my seat, onto the table and instantly started dancing along with the loud music blasting away at my eardrums. I didn't care that nasty perverted men were throwing suggestive comments at me, my goal for that night was to cause as much trouble as I possible could.

And I wanted Law to be the dishing out my punishment.

Jumping from table to table I made my way to the stage, grabbing the mic stand I raised my hand in air and everyone cheered me on as the DJ began to play the backtrack for the song I requested earlier that night. Swinging my hips to the beat I sent a wink towards Law and the rest of the guys, their tacky disguises giving them away instantly.

I love myself, I wanna see it
When I turn around, look in the mirror
And if you don't like it, you can leave it
'Cause it's my own and I'll keep owning it
If you don't like what I'm wearing
Well, you're only bothered 'cause you're staring
And you'll never talk me into caring
'Cause it's my own and I'll keep owning it

Ripping the old fashioned mic from the stand I made my way from left to the right of the stage, men were crowding the front as few women that occupied the bar had opted to stay in their seats or close to the bar as I stole their dates with just a swing of my hips.

I'ma do just what I want on the regular
And it's really not my fault if you're scared of a sweet little unforgettable thing, unforgettable
Sweet little unforgettable thing, so incredible
Know that I'm not sorry, I'm just loving my body
I don't care if you scared of a sweet little unforgettable thing

Stepping off stage I ran over to the bar, sitting myself down between two drunkards.

I love my ass, I wanna shake it
You can thank my mama 'cause she made it
Don't you waste your breath tryna change it
Just mind your own and I'll keep owning it
We gotta learn to stick together
Love your color, gender or whatever
'Cause your happiness don't need a censor
Just mind your own and we'll keep owning it

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