This is causal for me.

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{Hey guys.
This chapter has been edited due to grammar mistakes and spelling.}
Hello there.😆
Hope you guys enjoyed your day/night.
Anyways enjoy.😊
Chapter 18.😄

(___)'s POV

'That ass left me to the wolves again' I sweatdropped as I turned to see 3, well two and a pair of holes, staring at me.

'Hi, I'm Yori. I work in the control room with the navigators'.

I turned to the man who stood on my left, and honestly I had to blink a few times to make sure I wasn't going crazy.

In front of me stood a man with a white mask with black holes where the eyes should have been and smaller holes where his mouth supposedly was. He had a mess of strawberry blonde hair overflowing over the top of the mask. It almost looked like it was his actual face.

I stuck out my hand and for him to shake and smiled warmly.


Yori took my hand excitedly and I swear I saw his blush appear on the mask.

'Move over, let me get a better look at the beautiful creature that has graced our presence'.

I giggled as the man who stood on my right suddenly snatched my hand out of Yori's, kneeled down in front of me before planting a kiss on my knuckles.

'Good morning madam. My name is Ryuu. It is a pleasure to be in the presence of such beauty as yourself. I'm in charge of the infirmary so if you need me for any medical issues you know where to find me'.

Ryuu was a tall man who looked to be in his mid-twenty's. His skin was fair and his eyes an emerald eye, he was definitely an eye catcher. Not because he looked good or anything...Okay he looked pretty good, but because of his snow white hair which was held back by a black and white headband, pointed teeth and...gills?

I had to look twice to make sure I wasn't seeing things. I couldn't start going crazy right them and there.

'Why thank you. It is an absolute pleasure to meet you as well' I smiled.

Suddenly Ryuu fell back as his eyes turned to hearts and his nose started bleeding. While he was falling he said something about dieing happy.

I laughed at the fish-man's actions when I suddenly heard the man who was standing in front of me, before Ryuu pushed him out the way, suck his teeth. 'This guy...' he turned to me as he shook his head at his "fallen comrade".

'Sorry about him, I'm Isamu, nice to meet you'.

Isamu looked like the type of guy you could trust your child or even your pet with. His big friendly blue eyes were welcoming to look at and his olive skin looked natural but lost some of its colour due to no or little sun exposure. His long black hair was held back in a ponytail and, unlike the other Heart Pirates, he wasn't wearing a hat.

'Nice to meet you as well' I stuck out my hand and he gave it a firm yet gently shake.

Isamu was about say something else but was cut off by Jean's announcement through the intercom. 'We are approximately 10 minutes away from the East coast. Landing team please prepare to depart'.

I stood up and addressed the men in front of me. 'Well then, I guess that means us. Would you guys like to see what you will be traveling in?'

Before anyone could say anything Ryuu jumped up and as hearts began to flout around him as he yelled. 'Of course, (___)-chaaaannnn!'

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