...I Think.

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{Hey guys.
This chapter has been edited due to incorrect grammar and spelling as well as somethings not making as much sense as they should.}
Hey guys!
I'm SUPER sorry I'm so late with the update but school had started and since I am in a higher grade now I don't have as much time to write anymore.
Anyways enjoy.
Chapter 46.

(___)'s POV

We all raised our weapons as the, seemed to be, leader of the fishman group rushed at us with his men following close behind.

'Minori! Chie!' I yelled and the older women pulled their weapons back just in time for them to block the on coming attacks instead of ending the young fishman.

'Or not' Trafalgar snickered.

The rest of the Heart Pirates took that as their que and surrounded the intruders.

The largest fishman sucked his teeth as he realised he and his small group of subordinates were surrounded.

'We've been had!' He exclaimed, glaring at Trafalgar.

'We never had the actually intention of killing Yutaka-ya but after finding out your little familial situation I had decided to scrape plan A, which was to just blow you up, and go to plan B. Surround and wipe you out' Trafalgar explained as he slipped his Nodachi out of its sheath and pointed it at the largest fishman. 'Now, everyone knows to keep their distance so I suggest you get a move on now'.

Everyone scurried forward and picked an opponent before pushing them out of Trafalgar's way so that he could deal with the overly large fishman alone.

I shot anyone that came at me with their weapons raised as Etsuko cut through them as she fought by my side.

We let no one near Yutaka as they scrambled for him, swinging their weapons in hopes of getting passed us. Soon more and more fishmen fell back into the sea, the life that once resided inside them gone, and more had begun to came aboard.

I sucked my teeth as one eel like fishman came at me.

His face long and his teeth sharp. He snapped at me with his rigged teeth, hoping to get a chunk out of me.

I stuck my gun in his mouth and fired as he came at me again, teeth marks decorating my hand as blood splattered on my face as his lifeless body dropped to my feet. Wiping off the blood my face became unimportant as someone else replaced him.

Their long talon like nails clawing at me as I roundhouse kicked him in the face before putting a hole in his foot, and the deck by accident.

He howled in pain as he grabbed his foot and began hopping up and down before I kicked him in the chest sending him Etsuko's way.

The teen happily finished him off as she sliced his arm off with one of her long daggers before slitting his throat.

Sometimes I wondered if I had made the right decision in letting her join the S.S.K.G., as the Navy called us. Jeez how I hated the name. The Navy basically had just started calling our ancestors by weapons they used and it irritated me to my very core.

So thats why we changed it was back to what it was before our grate grate grandmothers roamed the earth, just after the Hundred Year Gap.

They were known as The Sirens during the ancient times but after the World Government had established themselves things change. They were what the legends described: beautiful women who killed sailors and sunk their ships after alluring them with their beauty and song.

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