Peace Of Mind.

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Hey there.
A huge thanks to everyone who had helped me achieve 59k reads!
I'm so greatful for all of you guys adding my story to your libraries and opening it just so that I could feel the satisfaction of knowing someone enjoys my work.
Thanks once again and enjoy.
Chapter 49.

Minori's POV

As soon as the Sub had resurfaced I was out of the door and on deck before anyone could blink. Drawing my blade I launched myself between Etsuko and (___) before one of those dirty bastards could've put their hands on them any further.

A man in a blue mask held my gaze as his weapons pressed against my spare, neither of us moving as both of us pushed against the other.

'Move lady! This is between us and them!' He growled out, the viens in his arms bulging as he pushed harder against my spear.

'You must be deaf because I clearly said "You mess with them, you mess with all of us!"' I yelled in his face before rearing my foot back and planting it firmly on his chest.

He flew back, taking a couple of his comrades with him.

'You sure don't know how to wait, Minori'.

I turned to my left as I rested my spear on my shoulder.

Chie stood on the railing on the ship. Her black hair blew in the wind as her black trench coat joined it. Her scythe glistening in the sunlight as she held it at her side.

She really looked as if she were the Grim Reaper himself.

'Like I was going to let some assholes take our juniors to an early watery grave. If I was even a second late, I would've been too late'.

She stepped down from the railing as a few men ran towards us, their weapons raised. Sucking her teeth she cut them all down faster than a blink of an eye. 'I am well aware of what would've happened if we had not come sooner'.

I watched from the side as she bent down to Etsuko, wiping away the teen's tears as they streamed down her face and onto (___)'s unconscious one.

(___) as far worst off than what she looked. Her chest may have been rising and falling but not as high that I felt comfortable.

'What is taking the boys so long?' I asked as Killer came at me again.

Starks flew as we clashed, steel against steel we battled it out as men took my distraction as an opportunity to strike our fallen comrades. Like Chie would've let that happen.

With the flick of her wrist she spun her scythe around her index and middle finger, effortlessly and gracefully cutting down anyone who came her way.

I guess being a older with more experience does help.

I ducked as Killer swung at my head as I swept his legs from under him. Not wasting anytime I swung my spear up and then down, aiming to decapitate him.

Only for him to get back to his feet again.

My spear sunk into the wood instead of his flesh and I cursed him to hell and back.

'You know if you didn't swear so much I would've thought you were an actually lady but a pirate is a pirate no matter what gender' he remarked as I pulled my spear out of the deck and swung for his head again.

'You know I would've thought you were quite sexy with that deep voice and body but the mask is kind of a turn off' I stated and I wasn't lying, he was attractive and maybe in another lifetime I would've gladly gone out to dinner with him but the whole "You can't see my face" thing was a bit annoying since you can never see the other person's emotions.

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