Cutting Ties.

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{Hey guys.
This chapter has been edited due to incorrect grammar and spelling as well as somethings not making as much sense as they should.}
Hey guys!
I hope everyone is doing well this spooky October and I hope you'll enjoy this chapter.
Chapter 40.

Law's POV

'Captain, are you sure that this is a good idea?' Bepo asked, following close behind with my Nodachi resting on his shoulder as I walked outside and onto the upper deck.

'Yes, I'm sure that this is a good idea. (___)-ya had challenged me as a leader looking after her team and not as a subordinate. And as one leader to another it's only right that we settle things for the best interests of our followers or else we'll lose the respect that we had earn from them' I explained, walking over to the railing and staring out at the island in distance.

After the incident in the gallery yesterday everyone had parted ways after deciding that the fight would take place the evening after we had arrived at the next island.

Flashback to last night

'Today was exhausting and now I have to figure out how to fool the crew and still be able to pull this fight off without injuring myself or (___)-ya' I thought, stepping into my bathroom and stripping from my hoody, pants and shoes.

I sighed as I opened the tap to let the water run warm before I walked back into my room to retrieve the towel I had forgotten on the bed.

'I'm seriously drain after all the questioning from the crew' I said aloud, grabbing my towel and heading back to the bathroom.

After a quick shower I dried myself off and pulled on a pair of black boxers with my Jolly Roger printed on it and a pair of grey sweat pants. I plopped myself down onto my bed as I towel dried my hair and thought about how I was gonna play out tomorrow. I stared at my desk as I raked my brain for ideas but with the fatigue and the pounding headache I was bringing onto myself nothing was coming to mind.

Leaving the towel on my shoulders I got up and walked over to my desk. There wasn't much on it since I had cleared and organised everything yesterday already but I felt that things were still our of place.

'You really need to relax Trafalgar'.

I jumped as I heard (___)-ya's voice echo throughout my room. I turned around and scanned the room before looking up to see the vent above my bed open before her head appeared.

'You really need to learn to use the door' I said, narrowing my eyes at her as she lowered herself out of the vent.

'And what fun would that be?' She said, her bare feet touching down onto my covers before she jumped and shut the vent. 'I like scaring the shit out of people and don't you think the crew will be a bit suspicious of us if I just walk through the corridors to your room of all places?'

'You're right but scaring me is not something you should be doing' I said, walking over to her and wrapping my arms around her legs before I picked her up.

She giggled as she placed her hands onto my shoulders, the pajamas she was wearing giving me perfect access to feel her legs. 'Stop that tickles and you said so yourself: we have to figure out how to fool the crew tomorrow'.

'You're right' I said, loosening my grip on her so that she slid down until her feet touched the floor.

'Why don't we make our fight tomorrow the one we were gonna have this afternoon? The same stakes plus the lunch and telling the loser what to do for the day?' She asked, playing with the hair at the back of my head.

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