I'm leaving...

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Hey guys!
This chapter has been edited due to 2016 me thinking that this was okey to post this the way it was.
Anyways enjoy.
Chapter 5.

(___)'s POV

Flashback to last night

After Trafalgar had left and Alice and David came back to pick up Benny, I went back up to the attic. The truth was that I had not been up there in a while and actually taking the time look around I had realised quite a few things.

Firstly, everything was only slightly dusty and neatly packed, a habit I had picked up from my mother. Secondly, every gun had had special bullets designed specifically for that specific gun, and I made thousands of each. Thirdly, its going to take awhile to move everything. And lastly, the floor boards were a little loose when I step on a specific panel.

'I hope Trafalgar has a plan to move everything' I thought as I opened up one of the wooden crates.

The crate was packed with straw to keep the gun from damaging and or rusting. The straw acted sought of like a sponge, it absorbed the water in the damp attic and it kept the weapon cool in hot weather so the metal didnt reshape or stretch. All my guns were ready to be moved the only thing left to pack was my clothes and everything else I would need.

I also had to find a way to transfer the rest of the money my father had left me, which was not easy considering it was over 500 million Belli in cash. My mother had hid it under the attic floor boards when she received it.

Although the amount back then had been much more.

My father had originally given my mother 2 billion Belli. 45 million was spent on my weapons (with some bargaining of course), on 6 million the house and furnishings and 100 000 Beli was spent on day to day things. What my mother had spent the rest on is still a mistery to me but I never questioned her so I never gave it much thought.

'I'll have to hide the money from Trafalgar' I said out loud as I thought of the raven haired pirate. 'Who knows what he'll do with it'.

I walked over to the biggest crate in the attic and opened it. 'I'll hide most of it with this' I said as I scan the crates contents. (You'll find out in the next chapter what 'this' is).

End flashback to morning before Trafalgar arrives.

I packed the last of my things I thought I would need as I waited for Trafalgar.

It had been around 10:30 pm when I went up to the attic and I had only finished packing the money and sorting the weaponry around 1:19 am. Then after bathing myself I had finally gone to bed just before 2 am. The money had, luckily, already been packed into bags or else it would've taken ages just to put everything into bags.

'I wonder what time Trafalgar and my "new crewmates" will get here?' I thought aloud as I glanced at the clock.

It had just turned 9 am, I was done packing and all I had to do was wait for Trafalgar to arrive. 'I'm tired and bored. Which is truly amazing (note sarcasm) but where is this guy?' I thought as I stared at the clock.

A knock on my door answered my question and I rose from my seat of the couch to answer it. When I had opened my door wasn't surprised to see Trafalgar standing there with a smirk plastered on his face.

'Good morning (___)-ya. Did you sleep well?' He asked, slightly bowing towards me.

I let out a single sigh. 'To you as well and I slept fine, thank you' I replied before I noticed the four people behind him. I recognised three of them. One being the polar bear in the orange boiler and the two men who chased after me yesterday.

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