Kill me.

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{Sup guys.
This chapter has been edited due to somethings not making sense or grammar was incorrectly written.}
Hello to everyone out there😆
Hope you're having a awesome July like I am.😊
Enjoy chapter 12☺

Law's POV

Before me sat Rui and (___) on one of the tables closest to the kitchen while the rest of my crew members were either running in a panicked state, under tables with their knees to their chest rocking back and forth slightly, a few were running around half naked in a drunk like state, others were in a state a hysteria and some were passed out completely.

All while this was happening (___) was eating a sandwich while chatting with Rui, both of them completely unfazed by what was happening around them.

'What the hell is going on?!' I demanded as I made my way over to them with Bepo right behind me.

'Oh! Hey Captain!' the small women greeted cheerfully as I approached her.

'I'm gonna get start on the dishes' Rui announced as he took (___)'s plate and headed for the kitchen before I could stop him.

'What happened in here?' I gestured towards my crew behind me.

'Don't worry, it's not permanent' she waved her hand in a dismissive manner and smiled gleefully.

'You're responsible for this?' I clinched my fists as a several irk marks appeared on my forehead.

'Yes' was her answer while her face now held a stoic expression.

After her response my hands moved on their own as they wrapped themselves around her neck as the rest of my body pinned her down to the table she sat on. I straddled the small women under me as my grip tightened around her neck leaving her short of breath.

'What did you do?!' I growled.

She clawed at my hand, hoping to get me to release her neck. The small women seemed to turn blue as my grip tightened on her jugular vain and throat.

I let go slightly allowing her to breath for a few seconds.

She took a few deep breathes before answering. 'Its Lophophora williamsii' she managed to say in between gasps of air.

'It's what?' I asked loosening my grip a bit more but still held onto her neck.

'It's local name is Peyote. Its a type of cactus that grows in the driest parts of our island. I dried the tops of them to form what's known as "mescal buttons," which are also well known for their hallucinogenic effects on my island. The hallucinatory effects vary greatly among individuals and even variations seem to reflect such factors as the mood and personality of the individual and the setting in which the drug is administered. Hallucinations are usually visual, less often auditory' she explained after her breathing was more or less back to normal.

'How did you administer the drug?' I asked, glaring down at her.

'I used my canisters to release the drug into the air in a gas form'.

'How come you and Rui-ya aren't effected by it? And what about me and Bepo-ya?' I asked now concerned about my first mate.

'Im immune to drugs or poisons that i had made myself and Rui was in the kitchen. As the two of you I used a few of my counter canisters to clear the air. Then me and Rui rerouted the air flow of vents to get rid of the rest' she explained still trying to pry my hands off of her neck.

'Counter canisters?' I tightened my hold.

'It kills off the drug in the air by turning all its molecules to that of oxygen' she used one of her hands to point too something on the floor. 'I developed it after a small accident involving another one of my chemical weapons' she explained before continuing to pry off my hand.

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