Bad Start To The New Day.

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{Hey guys.
This chapter has been edited due to incorrect grammar and spelling as well as somethings not making as much sense as they should.}
Hey guys!
Firstly, I'm SUPER sorry that I haven't been keeping in check with the posting schedule but I was busy with November exams and my stress levels were higher than ever and I just did not have time to post.
So please forgive me if this chapter had a lot more mistakes in it than usual but I am planning a mass edit of all chapters in the new year so that's okey in my books.
Anyways enjoy this shitty-er chapter.
Chapter 43.

(___)'s POV

The sound of a high pitched siren had me boulting up from my bed in seconds as the feeling of being thrown violently to the side also processed through my sleep fogged mind. The pistol I kept under my pillow was in my hand before my feet touched the ground.

The others had woken up in a similar alarmed and hostel manner as each of them stood in a defensive stance, each of them holding their weapon of choice to defend themselves if needed.

'What the hell is going on?' Etsuko asked as she wiped away her drool with her nightgowns sleeve, her voice sounding a bit groggy as she spoke.

'I have no idea. It could be anything' I said, honestly not knowing what was happening myself. 'Let's go find out'.

I stepped into my boots as everyone else followed my lead, all of then not bothering to change out of their sleep attire as it would take too long.

Loosely tying my laces I opened our door and was greeted with a flashing red light and panicked looking crewmates rushing passed me, each of them in a similar state of confusion and panic as we were. Stepping outside I stopped the first person who seemed to be the most awake, which happened to be Ryuu, as he walked pass.

'Do you know what's going on?'

He shrugged his shoulders as he shook his head. 'Your guess is as good as mine. I was just getting off my shift in the infirmary when the emergency alarm went off. The damned thing nearly scaring me out of my skin when it had before I was thrown into the wall'.

I frowned deeply as I looked back at the panicked mass of crewmates as they all rushed in steady stream to find out what was going on.

Just as I was about ask him where must we be if something like that happened the speakers above head screeched alive and Leo's panicked voice echoed through them.

'This is not a drill! We are under attack by an unknown fishman group! I repeat! We are under attack! All personal to their stations immediately! Captain's orders!'

The speaker clicked off and everyone seemed much more awake now that they had the knowledge of their and the lives of their friends endangerment. Everyone rushed to their stationed, weapons and equipment in hand as they rushed pass.

By this time the girls had their shoes on and their respective weapons in hand as they exited the room.

'An attack, huh?' Asked Minori as she rested her spear against her shoulder.

'Seems so. Do you suppose they're a group of troublemakers looking for a good time by messing with people or do you think we're trespassing in their waters?' Chie asked Ryuu as she adjusted the strap of her thin silk nightgown, the male in question clearly knowing a bit more about how his own people's behaved than we did.

'It could be one or the other but for all I know they could be exiles looking to cause some trouble for the kingdom. If not then we're about to find out' he speculated, crossing his arms over his chest.

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